A day in the life.

Aug 18, 2011 15:07

A slice of life scene in the Scarletsky household.

Alinor is napping on the couch. Probably snoring.

Lohendrin tiptoes to the couch and drapes a light blanket over her, tucking it in lovingly.

Here comes Lohen to check on Marbas.

There is Marbas, flopped over on the floor. He seems okay, it's just that his legs went numb for a bit, and it was too much effort to get up immediately.

"We'll pretend this is in no way undignified. And you won't fight me helping you up. Sound good?"

"Would I do something like that?" Nevermind that he was fully intending to use cat-gravity up until then.

"You would, if for no other reason than to be contrary." Lohen has such a high opinion of his brother. He also leans over to wrap an arm under Marbas' and help him up to his feet. "Just lean on me. Balcony chair?"

"You wound me to the quick. Yes please." He can mostly stand, his left leg just has an irritating tendency to lose muscle-tension without warning every so often.

And that is why Lohendrin leads him out to the balcony, pulling open the window door with his free hand. And lets his brother flop onto the chair. "Promise me you won't try to go back into the house unless you know your legs are working properly or you call for me. Preferably just ask on the Tome. Alinor is asleep."

"Certainly. They were working perfectly well before. I think something's loosening up and clearing out, is all. Like a bruise going through its cycle, you know about those."

"I do." Hands Marbas his Tome. "You need anything else?"

"Well, since you asked, a few dancing girls and fresh fruit would be delightful."

Deadpan. "I can bring you some fruit, the dancing girls I'm afraid you will have to do without."

"Oh, woe is me, my life is an eternal torment of suffering and anguish, do we have any peaches?"

"Yes. I'll bring you some. And a mug of tea." Lohendrin disappears, though the sound of his boots can be heard on creaking stairs. A few minutes later returns with freshly sliced peaches and a mug of tea. "Anything else? Other than dancing girls."

"Why must you deprive me of all joy, Lohen? What have I done to deserve your eternal enmity? No, thank you, the tea will do nicely."

"Because I'm a paladin and we are all against anything fun in this world." He can't quite hold back the grin, but he does leave rather quickly after that and heads back downstairs.


Lohendrin gets up to go see to his brother for a few minutes, returns later and sits down with the Tome again and watches Alinor sleeping.

Alinor: *The mage yawns and stretches, then looks at him with that bleary 'wut' look.*

Lohendrin: *looks up from the book and smiles at her* Good morning, sleepyhead.

Alinor: Blarg.

Lohendrin: *chuckles at her* You can go back to sleep if you like, it is a lazy afternoon.

Alinor: Mm...nah. Then I won't get to sleep tonight. *yawn* What're you up to?

Lohendrin: *slyly* I can find ways of tiring you out tonight. *shifts in his seat and changes subject* Just watching the Tome. Seeing to Marbas.

Alinor: You're adorable when you're naughty. How's Marbas?

Lohendrin: All the better to keep your interest. And he's fine. Had a tumble in his room, I helped him to the chair on the balcony.

Alinor: Aw. Poor guy. Is he okay, does he need anything?

Lohendrin: He's fine, I left a bowl of cut peaches with him and another mug of tea. And instructions to call for me when he wants to move again.

Alinor: Sounds good. So what do you plan to do for your mage, hm? *grin*

Lohendrin: *lifts a brow at her suggestively* What would you like me to do for my mage?

Alinor: Ordinarily I'd say science but you know, I think I just want to cuddle. You can still keep the book open though.

Lohendrin: *gets up and heads over to the couch* Scoot over then, my dear.

Alinor: *Scoots over to make room for him.* This is more like it.

Lohendrin: *settles in, pulls her right into his lap and lets her rest her head on his shoulder* You sure you're ok?

Alinor: I'm pregnant. *pause* Just kidding. Heh heh.

Lohendrin: *goes rigid for a half a second* That... was mean. *a hand snakes around her waist, fingers ready to tickle* Very mean. Dear.

Alinor: I know you're going into tickle mode, and I know I deserve it.

Lohendrin: Yes. To both. *proceeds to tickle her relentlessly, even pinning her to the couch so she can't wriggle away*

Alinor: *Squirmy mage is squirmy. And giggling insanely, and trying to tickle back.*

brothers will be brothers, marbas, family, alinor, logs, silliness

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