Jul 09, 2012 06:50
I've been at work for about forty-five minutes now. I wake up at 4:45 to make a forty minute walk to work, but I get off mid-afternoons. This schedule pleases me, even though anyone who knew me five years ago would associate 4:45 am more with when I went to bed than when I woke up. I do like to get up early; I like having my afternoons free more than I mind going to bed early. I hope I'm not getting old.
Let's take a look at the list:
-- Finish grad school
-- Travel more
-- Get published
The first point was easier than I made it, but it's done. Moving on.
The second one is harder now that I actually have regular employment, a proper forty hour workweek. However, this "grown-up" job also affords me paid time off, which will be put towards visiting my brother and his family in Columbia at the end of August. This will also be the first trip that Mechelle and I will make together since we've been dating. It's pretty much landing at the end of our two-year mark as well; that seems a little odd timing, but the timing is for other reasons.
On a very different look at travel, I'm probably not going to the two weddings of two of my oldest (but younger than me) cousins on my mom's side. The dates aren't great, and I'm making this other trip. Not that I wouldn't want to go, mind; it's just not in the cards.
Point three should be the easiest to resolve, but I just haven't submitted anything since graduation. I probably should, especially since I know how easy it would be and I have large portions of my master's thesis just sitting around waiting to be sent places. Maybe I just need to write more again, and that will get me motivated.
Which brings us back full circle to here...