Are other people's facebook flyers this ... depressing?
KATIE do you remember the days of You Can Call Me Al?
Bone digger, bone digger... a friend of mine mentioned this song today and I was like oh my god, that song is AMAZING!!! And I came home and immediately put it on... it's so good! It's like in a whole different class of song. Like the type of song where you just feel so happy. Like euphoric. So. happy.
Conversation snippet from the other day with a friend from California:
her: If you're ever in San Francisco during the gay pride parade, you HAVE to go. It's so crazy. Like men on the street in chaps and nothing else.
me: Yikes!! When is it?!
her: Hm, I think sometime in May... but there are tons of things like this, so I'm not sure.
me: Just too many to keep straight, eh?
her: *groan* Oh, Alex.
me: *laughing really hard* Come on, that was great.
It was great.