Personal Log ✘ 003 . [Action/Text]

Sep 28, 2009 10:39

[Spock has eventually found his way back to House #7 and is currently commandeering a table for his, or rather, Goku's journal. He has stocked the fridge with copious amounts of vegetables and fruits (in the expectation that a certain "guest" will consume those instead), the most blatant of which are five bundles of healthy orange carrots with the green stems still on top.

Those he placed with a straight face on Bones' shelf of the fridge.

Settling in front of the communication device to type, he spares a look for the front door, making a mental note to fix it before Captain Kirk or Miss Dax stumbles upon it. As the situation appears, he still has some ways to go in controlling this body's considerable strength. Hopefully, the rest of the furniture will not follow suit.]


I am curious. What adverse effects, if any, have you suffered during the course of this event? Was there an underlying purpose to your transformation?

!event: body swap, perhaps grooming brushes are required, gathering info for sciencey things

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