Apr 27, 2006 02:24
Let's just say I had a weird day. I'll post a synopsis later or most likely tomorrow (err...later today) about it. For now, you get this...
Erinn: (who I haven't seen in quite awhile) Hey Jack, what's up?
Me: Eh, nuthin' much.
Erinn: Yeah, same shit here.
Allison: Nuthin' much?
Me: Oh my God, I was arrested and molested today, and I said 'nuthin' much' happened. It's one of the weirdest days of my life, and yet it still seems normal. I should write a short story about today.
Allison: What you need to do is keep this buzz going, go home, get it going stronger, and write this fucking day down. In detail. Seriously, your day was a novella. You can't sum it up less than that, it'd be cheating the readers.