I am not going to lie. I'm nearing a very large burnout. I know the symptoms all to well, and are shared by another good friend who is also doing a doctorate, in the US.
I'm tired, have a constant headache, general uninterest in most things, not really wanting to leave my surroundings because the mere thought of doing any extensive traveling actually makes me want to curl up in bed and just sleep forever. I'm also full of worry about tuition for next year, and then graduating, and jobs. Yeah, the usual annoyances, nothing really out of the ordinary here. I just wonder if I have been wasting my entire 20s being in school? Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be doing this path, and I'm sure it will be worth it. I'm just really tired of feeling, well left out. Left out of my families' lives, missing lots of important milestones, not really ever getting to see my friends who I really miss. Making new ones here is great, don't get me wrong. But I feel like I"m connected to the ones not here by a slim threat of internet connection and this makes me sad.
Anyway..Not much longer here. only another year. But will I be so out of touch with reality when I get out? Hmmmmmm.