Aug 13, 2008 23:34
Hm, it has been quite a long while since I have had to undergone this much excitement. Nonetheless, I have filtered it for later examination. After all, there is something far greater waiting to be placed underneath my examinations.
...I will require assistance, however. The female subject is more than just a little resistant, despite her weakened state. I require someone to subdue her and bring ehr to my lab, she is currently locked in the hanger area, which I deemed wise to lock down after...allowing Skywarp and Frenzy to extricate themselves.
[Filtered to Lord Megatron]
My lord, this subject is quite obviously a processed individual, do we have any idea how early a model she is? Or will we have to wait until the examinations to determine that? Irregardless, I am certain that if you allow me, I can learn much from the workings of her processed form.
I stand ready to do my part, my lord.