woah, look, it's a journal update

Mar 18, 2011 12:08

So, in a strange little state right now. Been getting consecutive bad marks for three grades now, which has been alternately throwing me into depression and the kind of desperate comforting that stems from the IT'SONLYFIRSTYEARDON'TFREAKOUT mentality that I'm halfway afraid will make me slack off even more. Because me? A slacker.

I should be worried and anxious and all kinds other of gut wrenching feelings that make me want to hurl vomit projections at the closest person clutching an A grade paper, but the sad thing is, the sun is finally shining in Calgary and nothing makes me happier than good weather. I think if someone could bottle sunshine and rainbows and rainy days that smell nice and are all silvery and not drizzly but pretty and shiny they could usher in world peace. Wow, try saying that sentence all in one breath.

Fridays with sunshine are the best kinds of days. I used to like them because they were the only day I got out of university before some heinously late hour in the night, but even with volunteering (and because of it, getting out of uni at a heinously late hour), I still love them. I'm not usually one for the TGIF kind of thing, especially since I still spend most of Saturday tidying up after school work and working, but this semester, Fridays are golden.

Things going in life right now:
+SCHOOL: Which is going badly right now. I don't know what the reason is, because I'm studying like always, and I think I do well in tests and things. But then the grades come back, and they're either hilariously bad or lower than I expected. Trying to keep a chin up, but I'm seriously getting freaked at this point

+WORK: Going well. My boss thinks I barf rainbows, which is really sweet and nice of her. It's convenient to be working on campus too, so yay.

+VOLUNTEERING: I actually like working at the tax service, what's up with that? I attribute it to my never being able to keep my nose out of other people's stuff. Seriously, if you leave me in a house, I will be going through your book cases in a second. Still not completely sure that I'm filing returns right, and I might apply for general instead of E-file nest year, because E-file is pretty easy.

+HEALTH: Ugh, going in the wrong direction. I'm stagnating right now, which, yeah, sure, no pressure, but it's just another thing.

TL;DR: Things are less than ideal, but because there is fanfic and sunshine in the world, I will survive

real life

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