Jun 09, 2009 23:00
I hope this gets posted over to Facebook too, but anyway here goes
Alrighty, some new things that piss me off: Christians. DONE.
No not really. I mean they some sorta do but that's not because of their faith but more because about 99.99% of the people who will ever piss me off are more than likely connected to Christianity.
Anyway what i really wanna talk about here is the gays. Yes, those God damned Gays. You know the ones... the ones that CHOSE to be gay? You know, the same way that BLACK PEOPLE CHOSE the color of their skin!? (That was sarcasm btw...) I mean it's the EXACT SAME THING. Being gay is something you are born with. Just like being born dark skinned. Now it IS a choice to ACT "gay." You can BE gay and not act like a flaming queen. It is likewise possible to BE black and NOT act like a fuckwad who was never told that your pants are made to COVER your ass, and that the english language is something you should take every opportunity to bastardise. I'm tired of people getting all up in arms because they can't make that distinction. Now sometimes it isn't their fault. Sometimes they have had their view of gays tainted by seeing too many flamboyant men on tv or in parks and I don't blame them. If EVERY black guy I ever met had was ever associated with rap, I would want every one of them dead. Also sometimes there are the freaks that just ACT gay. (Not like, "dude, you should kiss a dude cuz you're drunk" but actually have sex with same sex and live as gays for attention) But there is also a similarity here too because I have seen a LOT of little white boys who act like gangstas. I HATE wiggers and wanksters, but that doesn't mean i should HATE black people.
I mention all of this because I'm noticing a trend in America. More and more of the gay community is having their rights taken away by the majority voting system. it's not illegal because people in the majority say it is their MORAL obligation to take the rights of the minority away. They simply win the vote because there are more of them than the people they are taking the rights away from. Now think about this... a group of people in the minority is having RIGHTS taken away because of how they were born... and there is nothing they can do about it. Doesn't any of that sound familiar? A certain red and black skinned group of people having rights revoked because white people decided what was best? A group of people possesing vaginas being told they couldn't have rights because they lacked a penis? The Jewish, even though not very different from other people in the majority, have also faced hardships. But you wouldn't DARE take rights away from a black. You wouldn't DARE take rights away from a woman. You wouldn't DARE take rights away from a Jew. You would have your carreer ruined, the masses would rise up and eat you alive. But yet that is exactly what we are doing now. A female mexican satanist woman living in this country ILLEGALLY has more rights than a gay in California. How is that right?
Maybe we need to listen to all the nutjobs out there. We need to listen to the new age of Hitlers that are so prolific in America. All the people that would just like to round up all the gays, put them in camps, and kill them. I think we should do that. Because then we could have a big ole war over it and free the gays from wrongful imprisonment. Then they would have all the rights of the blacks and jews because they too would have known true hardship.... because apperently growing up in a world where you are different isn't hard enough. A world that mostly hates you because of something that isn't your fault isn't hardship. A world where you are told that you CHOSE this life of hardship isn't hard enough. No, I guess we all have to do our parts to make it harder...