Dec 26, 2005 20:48
Ok, so I haven't updated in some time. I could try to fill you all in on what has happened and all, but those who are truely interested know how to reach me and find out what is going on and have already done so. So I am just going to post about my christmas.
As a lot of you know, I am not one for big commercialized christmas, especially after my grandmother's passing. Well this past weekend, something magical happened to me. A spark of light was relit in my life. I went to visit a friend of mine and meet his son.
So I get out there finally, and totally anxious and stooked for the trip. I get off the plane and thinking that my friend wouldn't be there when I get off because he would be in route to the airport due to my flight getting in about an hour late. So I round the corner from my gate and start to exit through security and there he is with his son. Just one look at him and something in me just came to life It is hard to describe it, but those who have met their match know what I am talking about. I knew that there was something special about him when I first met him. This trip only cleared things up and intensified them.
I don't know when it all started. All I can remember right now is holding his hand in his car as he drove down the highway from the airport. Seeing him with Daniel just warmed my heart like none other.
So to make a really long and just heart warming story short simply because I need to try to get some sleep, things grew between us and I we had a long talk and, well..... let's just say that I am very happy to have Michael and Daniel as part of my life. I look forward to the relationship that Michael and I build and the challenges that we may face with Daniel, but more importantly the time and joys that we will spend with Daniel and together.