Well this is it.

Apr 09, 2017 15:23

Hey all.

So basically, I'm making the switch to Dreamwidth permanently now. It's sad for me, as I've been on here since LJ pretty much started. But given the new user agreement and the anti-LGBTQI crap mixed up in that, I can't in all good conscience keep using this website (though I barely use it anyway).

If you know my real name, that's who I am over on facebook. I'm also logansrogue over at dreamwidth. I will probably keep the two accounts linked, and this journal up, but if anything happens to it, I won't try to bring it back.

The one sad thing about the internet, which it doesn't have on chiselled words on rocks or ink on paper - it can be lost so easily.

Love you all. <3

Addendum: I think LJ deleted my default userpic because it was Xena, and she's GEY.
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