Jan 31, 2011 19:49
Today I had a doctor's appointment in midtown Atlanta. I know very little about Atlanta and how to get around. After the appointment was over and I was on my way home, I was following my GPS's directions. The GPS had me getting on the interstate, and as soon as I had gone to far down the ramp to be able to safely change my mind I saw that the ramp was for the HOV lane (High occupancy vehicle) which I did not qualify for as I was in the truck by myself. About 1/2 way down the ramp there were 2 motorcycle cops slowing people down and letting the cars with 2 or more go through and pulling over the cars with just 1 person in them, needless to say I got pulled over. When the officer walked up to my window I handed him my license before he asked for them. He glanced at it, and asked if I knew why I was getting pulled over. I replied that it was probably because I was in the HOV lane and did not have anybody with me. I went on to explain that I was unfamiliar with the area and that I saw the HOV markings after I could not get turned around. He started to say that the GPS could be told to avoid HOV lanes, but toward the end of the sentence he kinda trailed off. After a slight pause he asked me if I was a fire fighter, to which I replied, yes I am. he handed me my license back, said have a nice day and get out of the HOV lane as soon as I could, turned and recrossed the lane to his bike and the other officer. I guess he saw my badge from my 1st department hanging from the rear view mirror, or my leather helmet in the front seat, and remembered the fire department tag on the front bumper. I don't know for sure, but what ever the case I am glad he let me go because the fine for being in the HOV lane without a rider is expensive. Needless to say I was very lucky!!!