Do this as an interactive website. Allow users to upload their own panels. Leave the text as broad as possible to allow different interpretations of the action.
I'm not savvy with this kind of thing so in my head the implementation is pretty crude. It could be as simple as a forum where you always start the thread with the "script" and others respond with their illustrated panels (or descriptions of what they would draw or whatever).
I'm sure there'd be a more complex and prettier way to do it though that could involve things like rating other users submissions and having the best rated float to the top. Also, allowing users to submit scripts. Think like YouTube meets OKcupid. Writers submit, artists respond. Instant match, no commitment.
Regarding the 'broad text' part. I'd think one of the really fun things that could happen would be two people taking the same script two entirely different directions.
I guess this is actually a lot like what Kris did with his side project where other people would submit the words to a blank strip. Just the other way around.
See, this is what I was trying to convince you to do with PetPro from the beginning: just write the scripts, then let artists interpret them as they will, and post the results. You could do one script a week and post the submissions as you get them, blog style. Provide a link back to the artists sites, and you've got yourself a pretty popular meme amongst webcomic artists. :)
I'm not savvy with this kind of thing so in my head the implementation is pretty crude. It could be as simple as a forum where you always start the thread with the "script" and others respond with their illustrated panels (or descriptions of what they would draw or whatever).
I'm sure there'd be a more complex and prettier way to do it though that could involve things like rating other users submissions and having the best rated float to the top. Also, allowing users to submit scripts. Think like YouTube meets OKcupid. Writers submit, artists respond. Instant match, no commitment.
Regarding the 'broad text' part. I'd think one of the really fun things that could happen would be two people taking the same script two entirely different directions.
I guess this is actually a lot like what Kris did with his side project where other people would submit the words to a blank strip. Just the other way around.
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