February was a total epic fail. For me at least. Very well, let us move on.
Good things have come of it. For one, I'd been pining for more time ( and more just regular old family time ) with the kids. Wish granted! We see them every morning and evening now, I drop them off at school, pick them up at the Boys & Girls Club, have dinner with them, ferry them to their appointments, and sort out their needs. Also, all this time away from the office has reminded me a) there are other things in life besides work I like to concetrate on, and b) I like working for this company and with these people. Good things.
In the "I like working with these people" category today... One of the people I work with got bumped into hard on the T this morning and his iPhone 3 went flying onto the pavement, smashing the screen. The line we maintain for him is eligible for an upgrade, so we worked out getting him upgraded to an iPhone 4, which he is now using. So what to do with the old phone with the cracked screen? Take it outside and see how much abuse it can take before it stops responding and flies apart. Not too much. Two good whips into the air and onto the pavement stopped it from responding to the buttons, and two good hit with Gary's cricket bat took care of the flying apart.
As part of my New Year's resolution to be more social I shall post to LJ more, and spend more social time with my friends and co-workers. Probably not always destroying equipment. Or sober.