Manson Report

Apr 06, 2006 16:37

"Mr. Scott, Ms. Maddox? Here's your baby boy!" These were the first words that Kathleen Maddox heard when she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, to whom she would later give her maiden name. Charles Milles Manson, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 11, 1934 (FAQ's), seemed to be a normal child, when, in fact, he was trouble from the start. The two had not planned to have a child, and certainly did not expect him to end up being the most heinous killer of the 20th century.

In the summer of 1969, Manson made the residents of California afraid to leave their homes. Charlie Manson committed grotesque crimes, controlled his trials, and now resides in the California State Prison (FAQ's). Manson had a rocky childhood and family life, some experts say that he was a bad seed because of the fact that he did not know his father and his mother was considered by some to be a teenage whore.(Bugliosi p.28) About his mother, Manson says, "For Mom, life was filled with a never-ending list of denials.In her search for acceptance she may have fallen in love too easily and too often, but a whore at that time? No!In later years, because of some hard knocks and tough times, she may have sold her body some"

Charlie lived with his mother until the age of 5, when she was arrested for armed robbery (FAQ's). She was released from prison in 1942. Manson, after living with various relatives, such as a religious aunt and a sadistic uncle who called him a sissy and made him wear girl's clothes on the first day of school ("Charles"), moved back in with his mother for five more years. At that time, she placed him at the Gibault School for Boys in Indiana. After escaping from the School, he committed several burglaries and was placed into the famous Boys Town in Nebraska (FAQ's). After being arrested several more times, one of which he was caught in a stolen car at a roadblock, he was married to Rosalie Willis in 1955 and "The Family" took off like a rocket headed for the moon.

Regarding himself as Jesus Christ reincarnated, he promised to lead the drug induced teens to a hold out in Death Valley through which they would live with each other. Manson's Family consisted mainly of Bobby Beausoleil, Mary Theresa Brunner, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten, Linda Kasabian, Susan Atkins, Charles "Tex" Watson, and Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme (also known as "Nelson"). There were as many as 50 people in the Family at a time, but these nine and Manson remained constant. These were also the ones who did the killing. When Manson met with his followers, he would sometimes sit on a rock and preach to them, acting as their God.

He would tell them that the reason they were at this ranch jam-packed with stolen goods and junk was to prepare them for Helter Skelter, the nuclear and race wars Manson predicted (Fillmer). He derived the title Helter Skelter from the Beatles song off their White Album. An excerpt from the lyrics of this song are: "Helter skelter, helter skelter, here she comes, here she comes.("The Beatles-White Album-Track:Helter Skelter"_*note*record company?)" This, in Charlie's mind, was the war against all Jews, blacks, and any race that was not white.

Manson now resides in the maximum-security Level IV section of the California State Prison at Corcoran, California (FAQ's). His next parole hearing is in April of 2007 (FAQ's). He occasionally does television spots and receives more fan mail than any other prisoner in America (Bugliosi). Infact, Charlie t-shirts can be seen all over the world. Proving that our favored Charlie is, in fact, insane, when he was asked what he would do if he ever got out of jail, he said, "I'm already out" (FAQ's).


Bardsley, Marilyn. "Charles Manson." (24 Jan. 2000).

Bugliosi, Vincent, and C. Gentry. Helter Skelter. 16th ed. New York: Bantam Books, 1974.

Fillmer, Deborah K. "Forensic Science and the Charles Manson Murders." ~dfillmer/manson.htm (20 Jan. 2000).

"Frequently Asked Questions about Charles Manson." (20 Jan. 2000).
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