Dec 30, 2007 17:40
so i got my letter from state, was it an acceptANCE LETTER, NO. it was a letter giving me paper work to fill out saying "based on a review of your academic record, we are considering you for the College Acheivment Admissions Program."
i say wtf is that? i later l;earn after researching that the CAAP is for peioplle that arent given sufficient needs to be sufficient or prepared for a high level education. the paper work is all financial so basically what im guessing is that it is saying you have a liow income and single parent so fill thsi out and we'll help you get the tools neede dot be sufficient.
personally this is shit. my gpa is a 3.34, i got a 22 on my act's. i think i did just fine and are prepared for higher educatioon. fuck you michigan state and you better admit me after i fill out your dumbass paperwork.