Dave is Finally Graduating!

Aug 08, 2005 15:17

Are those pigs flying overhead? Is that the sound of the devil's teeth chattering? Has the seventh seal been broken and are the dark times of Ragnorok upon us? No, it's even less likely, Dave is actually finishing his PhD! :-)

The thesis is written and handed out to my committee. I've even finished most of the defense presentation. It looks like it's really going to happen. :-) As I've promised over and over, I'm now letting everyone I know know that I'm finally graduating.

My defense date is Thursday August 18th, 11am-12noon, 2246 Space Research Building (2455 Hayward, Ann Arbor). The defense will run for an hour or so. It's open to the public, so everyone is welcome. I intentionally got a big room so there would be lots of space. Of course I make absolutely no guarantees that it won't put you to sleep, and I will register no surprise or offense if you don't wish to listen to me blather on about electrons for an hour, but if do you want to see what all the hooplah has been about, this is the time. I can at least promise that there will be good food and beverages there. If you can, please let me know if you plan to make it so I can get at least a rough headcount for food planning purposes.

The defense presentation runs for about an hour. After that there's an hour or so of private questioning by the committee, and I then I probably have some general Rackham paperwork to take care of in the afternoon, and Danny's defense at 2pm, but then...

Big party!
This will surely be more fun than the defense itself. :-) I've rented the Parc Pointe clubhouse (the main office, by the mailboxes) for the night, from 6pm onward. There will be food, conversation, games, possibly swimming depending on how strict they are about the 1 guest policy in the pool, and otherwise a generally good time! Again, rsvp if possible for food planning purposes, though we can always order more pizza so no biggie if you decide to come (and/or bring more people) last minute. Again, everyone is welcome. Danny is defending the same day and this is a joint party for both of us, so it should be a blast.

Thanks to everyone who has supported/put up with me along the way!!! I hope to see you soon.


ps- Please pass this around to people I may have missed. As I sit here trying to remember everyone I've been friends with as I've been working on this over the last 15 years... it feels like the list should be in the thousands. :-)
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