Lingerie Trampoline Keg party!

Jul 28, 2008 01:59

Noir night was fun. Halloween is fun. But it's August- time for a costume party appropriate to the temperature! And as such we may as well wrap in the obviously associated themes.... therefore I proudly introduce the first

"Lingerie Trampoline Keg party!"
    Friday August 1st at thecathouse

Party starts at 9 pm, runs until the last guests stumble home or crashes on one of the many couches, beds, or comfy floor spots I will happily provide. Keg will be provided- the popular vote is Oberon, so shall it be. The only question now is half-keg or full keg, and the answer depends on you. Will you RSVP? Will I know how much beer to get? And how many oranges to get to go along with the Oberon? Only you can decide.

In addition to trampoline jumping there will be cups, both on sticks and flipping. I also may break out the twister board. Trampoline twister? I can't think of anything that could go wrong with that. :-)

Note that while lingerie is mandatory, this is a safe/comfortable/stress free party, so it need not be visible if you're feeling shy. This is for everyone, not just you Ignition guys- who I know would otherwise feel obligated show up in black lace thongs and nothing else. Where by "guys" I mean you Dan. Feel free to cover up. Please. Pretty please? Oh well, it was worth a shot. :-)

Special party rule- no cameras! I'd rather people not feel like everything will be on Facebook in 3 hours. So let's try having no cameras and see how that works. Be warned, I have equipment to erase most models of flash, sim, and other cards, including your cell phone, and if not there's always the Jacob's Ladder approach.

Feel free to bring snacks, alternative beverages (I'll provide some non-alcoholic options as well), and anything else that sounds fun. Also feel free to bring along any friends, this is an open invite, so forward away! Again, just RSVP so I have a feel for what size keg(s) to get.

Questions, comments, concerns? Please let me know.
See you, and your lace, soon!
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