May 24, 2006 17:28
I am a leaf floating down a river, and my path has a will of it's own.
I drift with the currents and eddies, sometimes with others, sometimes alone.
My existance sees great variation- sometimes I even find I can fly.
Or chance brings many together, and we dance in great swirls of colorful pride.
Once I stood high, with purpose and strength. Once I gave energy and life.
But the river flows only forward, and now only haunting memories rife.
It's been a good run, I cannot complain, what things I've been given to see!
But in the end my strength fails, barriers erode, and the river enters into me.
I feel quiet, and nothing, as I sink and I drown, finding peace as I finally lie still.
I look up and I watch as the world passes by, towards the future, and I wonder what will.
I only hope when I'm gone, and my body decays, that I flow with natures call.
So that that which was me one day gives others strength, so that they in their turn can stand tall.