Aug 08, 2005 15:14
bold all that apply to you & then add one.
(I got this from my friend, the WHACKO!!)
01. I miss somebody right now
02. I don't watch much TV these days
03. I love olives (they're O.K.)
04. I love sleeping
05. I own lots of books
06. I wear glasses or contact lenses
07. I love to play video games
08. I've tried marijuana
09. I've watched porn movies
10. I have been in a threesome
11. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship
12. I believe honesty is usually the best policy
13. I have acne free skin
14. I like and respect Al Sharpton
15. I cuss frequently
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year
17. I have a hobby
18. I've been told I: (women) have an applebottom, (men) am packing.
19. I carry my knife/razor in my car.
20. I'm smart (I'd like to think so)
21. I've never broken someone's bones
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal (I would only tell those I am with, if ya know what I mean)
23. I hate the rain (I LOVE the smell of rain.)
24. I'm paranoid at times
. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar free
26. I need money right now!
27. I love Sushi
28. I talk really, really fast (Sometimes...)
29. I have fresh breath in the morning
30. I have semi-long hair (not anymore... :( )
31. I've lost money is Las Vegas
32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister
33. I was born in a country outside of the U.S.
34. I shave my legs (females) or face (males) on a regular basis
35. I have a twin
36. I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past
37. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D. (I could survive, but it would kinda suck..)
38. I like the way that I look
39. I have lied to a good friend in the last 6 months
40. I know how to do cornrows
41. I am usually pessimistic
42. I have a lot of mood swings
43. I think prostitution should be legalized
44. I think Britney Spears is hot (only in her videos, not in any of the "unprepared" pictures I've seen of her.)
45. I have cheated on a significant other in the past (NEVER!!!!)
46. I have a hidden talent (Maybe.... but you'll never know)
47. I'm always hyper no matter how much sugar I have (Sometimes)
48. I think that I'm popular
49. I can whistle
50. I have kissed someone of the same sex
51. I enjoy talking on the phone
52. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants
53. I love to shop (I'm dangerous with a Visa)
54. I would rather shop than eat
55. I would classify myself as ghetto (Um, no)
56. I'm bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
57. I'm obsessed with my Xanga or Livejournal
58. I don't hate anyone
59. I'm a pretty good dancer (LIQUID!!!)
60. I don't think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington
61. I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother
62. I have a cell phone
63. I believe in God
64. I watch MTV on a daily basis
65. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months
66. I love drama (
67. I have never been in a real relationship before (Never longer than a couple of months... :( )
68. I've rejected someone before
69. I currently have a crush on someone
70. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life
71. I want to have children in the future
72. I have changed a diaper before
73. I've called the cops on a friend before (No, but at least once I should have)
74. I bite my nails
75. I am a member of the Tom Green fan club
76. I'm not allergic to anything
77. I have a lot to learn
78. I have dated/ shagged someone at least 10 years older or younger
79. I plan on seeing Ice Cube's newest "Friday" movie
80. I am very shy around the opposite sex sometimes
81. I'm online 24/7, even as an away message
82. I have at least 5 away messages saved...(Try nineteen)
83. I have tried alcohol and/or drugs before
84. I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past
85. I own the "South Park" movie
86. I have avoided assignments at work/school to be on Xanga or Livejournal
87. When I was a kid I played "the birds and the bees" with a neighbor or chum
88. I enjoy some country music (very rarely)
90. I think that Pizza Hut did have/has the best pizza (Pizza Populous, Buddy's)
91. I watch soap operas whenever I can (Days of Our Lives!)
92. I'm obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist (Used to be sometimes)
93. I have used my sexuality to advance my career
94. I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all
95. I know all the words to Slick Rick's "Children's Story"
96. Halloween is awesome because you get free candy
97. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it
98. I cry at least twice a week
99. I am happy at this current moment
100. I think the Beagle is the best breed of dog
101. I hate my job
102. I've been on TV (Nothing big, but you can pick me out of the crowd)
103. I am irrationally attracted to campy handbags
104: I deliberately didn't bold at least one statement on this list that should've been bolded.
105: I love the scents of my SigOth.
106. I have a college degree. (Damn close!!)
107. I can point my feet and toes like a ballerina/gymnast
108. I own far too many CDs.
109. I know all the words to "The Humpty Dance" by Digital Underground
110. I am obsessed with large breasts (They can be nice, but not really)
111. I am almost never bored.
112. I believe myself to be very lazy.
113. I was a child prodigy and loved most of it (except all of the ragging I got from being one of the "smart kids")
114. I have a thing for slender, dark-haired boys who aren't Asian.
115. I was really unattractive growing up (I'd like to think not)
116. I am attending/want to attend a college out of state
<>117. I bitch and complain on a regular basis (Not that often, no)