Dammit, that felt like somebody punched me in the croch

Aug 01, 2006 06:54

Those of you who make it a point to read my enteries may know that I speculated Piz as a love interest is going to be one sided, meaning he was going to have a crush on her, and she's not going to return those feelings.

Now, according to this interview with Kristen Bell, I'm going to have to eat my own words.

KB: I have a new love interest. He's Wallace's new roommate. They haven't gone there with the love interest yet, but I think they're thinking about it. They're going to see how it pans out. But they introduced a new guy who's the exact opposite of Logan. So rather than being like--Logan is very like James Dean, he's very like brooding and solitary, and he just does that wonderful, like old movie star thing. This guy is sort of like goofy and funny and charismatic in a totally different way than Jason is. And so I think they're going to sort of let Veronica choose a little bit between the dark side and the light side.

KV: So we're going sort of to be tortured into liking this guy is the sense that I'm getting?

KB: Oh, yeah. You're not even going to be tortured; you'll like him immediately. He's really--his name is Chris Lowell. He did that show "Life As You Know It". He's so adorable and so funny. And all the new characters are so great.

This is me, eating my own words, and hoping we're not going to get another love triangle. I don't know how much more my favorite character can take.
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