And on we go with the Brexit show

Feb 02, 2017 17:07


The House of Commons has voted 498-114 to allow Theresa May to trigger Article 50. This vote only happened at all because the Supreme Court decided (8-3) that Parliament had to be consulted; otherwise, the PM would have done it on her own. The result of this vote was never in doubt, but I think it's very important that it happened: you can't go claiming Parliamentary sovereignty as a reason for Brexit and then say "Oh, sorry, doesn't apply in this case".

One of the more blackly amusing spectacles today has been the sight of the Daily Mail and co trying to make out that the 114 dissenters were somehow "betraying" the will of the British people. I might remind them at this point that MPs' direct employers are their constituents -- and more than 114 constituencies returned Remain votes in June. Had the A50 vote reflected this exactly, it would have been around 400-200.

Also, while I don't think blocking Brexit outright would be democratic, much as I still believe strongly that it will be bad for my country, I absolutely do think voting against stupid interpretations of it is not only democratic but actually vital. The idea that, post-referendum, THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN and so every single thing the PM wants must be passed unanimously is -- to be kind -- a load of ignorant gibberish.

And soon the UK will begin actual negotiations with the EU about future ties. This is the point at which those who believe the EU hates any and all democracy simultaneously manage to believe that the EU will give the UK everything it demands because democracy. I believe Mr Orwell had a word for this.

politics, brexit, eu, uk

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