
Apr 30, 2015 14:31


I guess it just shows the decline of LiveJournal... but it's a bit depressing when the last four entries on my Friends lists are (well, were when I started writing this) all "My tweets" posts, with no added value whatsoever. =:/

Anyway, one week until the election. An Ipsos-MORI poll out today has a five-point Tory lead, but when you look at the actual figures something interesting emerges: Con 35 Lab 30 LDm 8 UKIP 10 Grn 8. That 8% for the Greens is the highest they've had in quite a while, and it looks like their voters have come straight from Labour. Ironically, if those people actually do vote Green on 7th May, they make a Conservative government much more likely...

There were some UKIP people out in Kidderminster today, which caught my attention as the party's PR machine has been useless over the last week or so; I've heard pretty much nothing from them until now.

lj, twitter, elections, politics

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