
Oct 30, 2012 18:52


Got a paid LJ account? You may not have one for very much longer. Someone has ferreted out a comment on the Russian LJ which suggests that LJ will drop paid accounts in the spring. Not that we poor English-speaking users got told, though that's hardly surprising given that LJ has virtually shut down its US office, again without telling anyone. But then, when did LJ last treat its users with any sort of respect? Quite a while ago now, I'd say.

The main problem, though, is that LJ has unilaterally decided to change the way that Friends pages work, making them into system pages. This means that a) you will have to put up with "infinite scrolling" along the lines Tumblr has, that b) the new design will have a huge acreage of glaring white space (sorry, migraine sufferers; you don't count) and that c) you will not be able to make Friends pages appear in your chosen style if you want them to match your own entries. It's LJ's way or nothing.

I've been on LiveJournal since 2003, when you still needed invite codes. I've seen three managements come and go, and also seen quite a few silly innovations come and... well, stay, for the most part. But I've always been determined to stay. The thing about this new Friends page change, though, is that it will actively hurt me. My eyes simply cannot stand bright white glare like that. LJ feels like a home to me... but when your home starts to fall down around your ears, you have no option but to pack up and go.

I'm not shutting down my LJ account at the moment, so no need to panic. (Or celebrate. =:P ) But what I will do is extend an open invitation: anyone who's on my Friends list is welcome to add me on Dreamwidth as well. Here's my DW account; my username there is exactly the same as it is here. Just let me know who you are if you use a different username to the one you do here. For those who aren't aware, Dreamwidth is basically a clone of LiveJournal, but without the "Let's be a third-rate Facebook!" mentality. I suspect it may be my home before long.

lj, dreamwidth

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