"The fight against clothes line bans"

Oct 09, 2010 20:56


Not the hardest BBC news article you will ever see, but as it's the weekend... Note that, as the correspondent from Woking says, these restrictions do exist in pockets in Britain, though they're very much less common than in the US. Unsurprising given that fewer than half of UK households own a tumble dryer in the first place. I was amused by the person from Texas (penultimate comment) who with an almighty effort managed to turn their response into a rant against Al Gore. I suspect they do so with every remotely environment-related article they ever see...

For what it's worth, my opinion is that a ridiculously huge 4x4 with absurd tinted windows drags down the image of a house far more than a simple washing line. If you can't cope with seeing someone else's vests flapping around in next door's back (or even front) garden, then I suggest you need to stop being so silly. =:P


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