Announcement: Author Tags

Apr 10, 2013 21:56

Guess what I did today? I’ve added tags to every entry in this community. Really, I did. All day long. Because it’s been on my To Do list since forever, and I really didn’t have anything better to do. Well, okay. I did, but I just felt like doing this instead.

Related to the above: everyone who’s ever posted a fic here, now has an author tag. Yay! (If not, please let me know and I’ll try to fix it.) There are a lot of fics I still have to read (someday), and now I can find them all by author, which makes me a happy shipper.

That said, I also still have a WIP going on. I know, and I’m still on it. Promise. I just had to edit all my other fics first before posting them at AO3. Those are now all up, except for a little fic called ‘Choices’. I was never really happy with that one to begin with, and I’ve completely rewritten the nasty little bugger. I’ll post it later this week. (Working on a sequel right now.)

comm: update, comm: announcement, plug

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