Chasing The Rogue - Chapter Six

Sep 12, 2012 11:53

Sorry for the delay, but after many requests I decided to include a detailed love scene after all. I hope you'll think it was worth the wait.

Rating for this chapter is NC-17.

The next morning, after a delicious breakfast, Logan and Marie bid farewell to Sophia and accepted Lorenzo’s offer to drive them to the Austrian border - claiming friends were going to meet them in a village just on the other side. Once Lorenzo had waved good-bye and driven off Marie lamented about how bad she felt that they’d lied to such a lovely couple. Logan reassured her that as long as lying didn’t start coming too easily for her, she’d probably be fine - and not burn in Hell.

As they made their way toward the village, Logan made a comment that Marie took offense to and in a huff she walked ahead of him. When a flatbed truck loaded with straw stopped next to her and the driver offered her a ride, she jumped into the cab and waved to Logan as the truck pulled away.

He futilely chased after it for a few moments and then cursed, as the truck became a speck in the distance.

An hour later he came to a bridge high over a gorge where a group of thrill-seekers were bungee jumping off the side. He started sprinting toward the group when he saw that Marie was getting strapped into a harness.

She was being helped onto the narrow beam by the time he made it over to her. “What … the … hell… do … you … think … you’re … doing?” he managed to squeeze out as he caught his breath.

“Having fun with John,” she replied with a wink to the young man who’d hoisted her up onto the ledge.

Introducing himself, he said, “John Allerdyce, but everyone calls me Pyro.”

Ignoring him, Logan responded, “I think you’ve had enough fun for one day.” Then he reached over and attempted to haul her down.

Marie pulled away from him and almost pitched over the side. Logan threw himself at her, grabbed her around the waist and yanked her back down onto the safer surface of the road.


“Forget joy - you’re the one who’s gonna get killed if you’re not more careful,” he said as he maintained his firm grip on her.

“I’m okay,” she said as she wriggled out of his grasp, and then reminded him, “I told you, I don’t need a bodyguard.”

Motioning toward the ravine, Logan replied, “I beg to differ.”

“Fine - then jump with me,” she suggested as she fixed him with an ‘I dare you’ look.

Logan peered over the edge and estimated that it was at least a ten-story drop. Never one to back down from a challenge, he turned to John and told him, “Hook me up.”

“We have another Death Seeker,” John announced to the gathered crowd, which made Logan even more worried - not for him, but for Marie. He didn’t know anything about this group and whether or not they were truly qualified to do this. If something went wrong, he’d heal but Marie wouldn’t. His apprehension still didn’t fade even after he was strapped into the harness and a quick assessment of the equipment indicated that everything was in good order.

Marie was bouncing on her toes and anxious to jump so he gave up on trying to talk her out of it at the last minute.

They climbed back onto the ledge and both of them glanced down into the canyon below. A slight look of panic crossed Marie’s face as she finally realized what she was about to do. But Logan decided she wasn’t going to back out at this point and with a grin he wrapped his arms around her, leaned forward slightly and tumbled them off the edge. For a moment there was no sound as they were freefalling toward the river beneath them - and then Marie let out a scream as they were within inches of the water’s surface when the bungee cord yanked them back up. They bounced a few times and then were swinging back and forth like a pendulum.

“Fucking awesome!” Logan yelled - which echoed through the canyon.

Marie looked like she was having a hard time catching her breath so she just gave him a weak smile. Then she leaned closer and gave him a light peck on the lips. Logan accepted this new challenge and kissed her back - only firmer. The kiss deepened and became even more heated than the one they’d shared to appease Lorenzo and Sophia. They were so wrapped up in each other they failed to notice the rescue boat that had come to release them from the jumping harnesses.

Although neither of them wanted to jump a second time, they did accept John’s offer to spend the night camping by the river’s shore.

After they’d staked out their little patch of ground Logan got up and walked toward the forest. Just before he disappeared into the tree line, Marie noticed that he’d pulled out his cell phone. The last time she’d caught him on the phone, he’d claimed that he was talking to a friend … a male friend. But she wondered if he was using this opportunity to call a girlfriend he didn’t want to tell her about. The man was an enigma wrapped in a puzzle.

She didn’t have too much time to contemplate whom he was mysteriously calling because John came over, pulled her up off the ground and led her over to the fire - where he handed her a nicely chilled bottle of beer. She was already feeling the effects of the strong European brew by the time Logan returned to the campsite a few moments later. He wasn’t too happy to see John hanging all over her - blatantly attempting to touch her inappropriately. Unsure of whether it was merely protectiveness or simply possessiveness, he stomped over to them, reached down, put his arm around Marie’s waist and pulled her up toward him.

Apparently not appreciating the caveman gesture, she snapped, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

Stunned by her response, Logan released his hold on her and took a step back.

Enunciating each word deliberately, she reminded him yet again, “I. Don’t. Need. A. Bodyguard.”

As he wasn’t even sure himself if he was reacting to the scene as a concerned self-appointed bodyguard or a jealous potential suitor, for the first time in quite a while Logan was at a loss for words.

“Yeah, down boy,” John said with a smirk that Logan wanted to wipe off his face with a sharp right hook.

Instead of letting the situation escalate into an all-out brawl, he retreated back to their sleeping area further down the shore. He lit a cigar and stared out over the dark river. With his enhanced hearing, he could hear Marie’s giggling which he tried desperately to ignore.

He was about to drift off to sleep, the burning ember of his cigar glowing hotly and about to drop onto a small pile of dry leaves, when he heard her voice. “Do you wanna set the whole forest on fire?” she asked as she took the stogie from him and ground it out in the dirt.

“Huh?” was all he could manage as he sleepily looked up at her.

“Shove over,” she commanded as she lay down next to him, then lifted his arm and snuggled against his side.

“What happened to your date?” he inquired teasingly as he buried his face into her hair and inhaled the soft coconut scent.

“He’s not you,” she replied quietly - which made him smile.

He put his hand under her chin and tipped her face up toward his so that he could kiss her.

They made out for a while - kissing and exploring each other. Then Logan found ‘the’ spot on Marie’s neck and she was actually starting to feel woozy from the sensation of the feathery touches of his warm lips. Kissing his way down her throat and onto her chest, he began unbuttoning her white cotton sweater. When the last button had been released from its hole, he slowly spread the soft fabric apart to reveal the pale pink bra underneath.

Popping the front-closing clasp open, he pushed the silky material apart, exposing perfectly shaped and sized breasts with the most delectable looking pink-brown nipples he’d ever seen. She was sheer perfection.

Leaning down, he flicked his tongue over one perfect little pebble and marveled at how it peaked at the brief touch. So he proceeded to do the same to the other one.  When Marie started tugging at the bottom of his white t-shirt, he took the hint and pulled it off, letting her run her hands over his bare chest. Divesting her of her jeans, panties and the disarrayed sweater and bra, then himself of his jeans and briefs - they were now both completely naked. Marie reached out and stroked his hard cock with curiosity.

“I’ve never seen one before … in person. Wow,” she stated in appreciation.

“I’ll be real gentle,” Logan promised, as he pushed her back down onto the ground.

“I…I trust you.”

Suddenly he thought of something. “Damn it. I don’t have a condom. Shit.”

“It’s okay. I’m on the pill,” she told him reassuringly. Even if her father didn’t know about it, her mother had made certain that Marie was prepared for life at college surrounded by horny frat boys.

Logan hesitated momentarily and then asked, “Are you really sure you’re ready to do this?” As most of the women he’d been with had been picked up in bars and therefore their consent was more than just implied, he’d never particularly worried about being turned down. But Marie was different, so he wanted to give her an opportunity to back out.

Reaching up and running her hand through his hair, she said, “I’m positive.”

“Good,” he admitted with relief, “Because I’ve been wanting to ravish you since we spent the night at the park.”

“Really?” she replied happily, and then boldly added, “Well, now you finally have the opportunity.”

They continued in full foreplay mode, kissing and touching - exploring every inch of each other with their hands and lips.  Logan gave Marie an intense orgasm when his mouth found its way between her legs.

Finally, spreading her thighs and settling himself between them, he checked one last time to make certain she was comfortable with what they were about to do.

When she responded by latching onto his mouth with her succulent lips for a searing kiss, he placed the head of his cock in her, pushing in a little with each gentle move forward. Marie locked her ankles around his hips, while lifting her own hips slightly. She was so wet, that he was sliding in easier than he thought he would. He kissed her hard as he pushed in a little further. Then he gave another strong thrust and was sheathed in her to the hilt, which made her gasp. Logan paused, but she urged him on by running her hands down his back and over his taut ass. When she started rotating her hips beneath him, he began a slow and steady thrusting rhythm that she soon matched. With her arms now around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist, she writhed beneath him as he continued exploring her body with his hands, while his mouth lavished her neck with heated kisses.

“Oh, Logan,” she moaned softly as her body trembled from his expert touch.

“Marie,” he murmured right back as he worshipped every inch of her.

It wasn’t long before Logan was on the brink of orgasm, but he wanted to make sure that Marie experienced one as well - so he held back, trying to maintain control as he edged her toward the abyss.  When he felt her entire body quiver in anticipation, he knew she was close and moments later they climaxed almost simultaneously - crying each other’s names as they peaked.

They collapsed bonelessly against each other, both shattered but ecstatic.

“I just knew you would be an amazing lover,” she whispered against his ear.

“You’re pretty amazing yourself, you know,” he responded, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

She sighed contently, snuggled against him and fell asleep. Logan watched her for a while before drifting off himself.

author: karen, rating: nc-17, universe: au, fic, genre: drama

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