Fic: Journal Of An Ex-Shape Shifter

Aug 12, 2012 17:44

Fic: Journal Of An Ex-Shape Shifter

Verse: X3

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Written in the style of an LJ entry - this is Mystique’s musings about life after the events of X3.

Date: 2006-07-31

Subject: Erik

Security: Protected

Mood: Devastated

Tags: Erik, the Cure, Charles, X-Men

Forget the government and their not-so covert mission against mutants; I’m my own worst enemy.

After the incident with Stryker, I should’ve defected from the Brotherhood and gone back to Charles when I had the chance. I know it had been a long time since we’d parted on that beach, but considering his view on peace - I’m pretty sure he would’ve forgiven me and welcomed me home. But I chose Erik over my brother ... again. And now it’s too late to reconcile with Charles.

Yes, Storm - that sprig of lilac left at the base of his memorial was from me. I’ll bet I'm the only one who knew bunches of them in mother's Waterford crystal vase were his favorite.

Instead of returning to my family, I stayed with someone that was angry at the world in general; a bitter man who found it almost impossible to appreciate the beauty in anything.

After everything I’ve done - everyone I’ve been for Erik … that bastard just left me on the floor of that convoy truck. I took the Cure bullet for that asshole and that’s how he repaid me.

Pyro didn’t bother doing anything. The selfish little prick had betrayed the X-Men far too easily and then bailed on them without any guilt, which is why I wasn’t exactly surprised that he didn’t strain himself to help me.

“You’re not one of us any more.” Erik told me. Then as he was walking away he made it even worse by telling Pyro,  “Such a shame. She was so beautiful.”

Well, fuck you, Erik!

Charles had warned me not to trust him completely. So many people have drifted in and out of Erik’s life throughout the years. Some of them were users - wanting to exploit his gift - and others he’d manipulated for his own agenda. But I’m the only one who’d loyally stood by his side and unconditionally supported all his grandiose plans - no matter how lame they seemed. Like mutating everyone. Really? How can we be superior when everyone else is just like us? I never did understand that one. I bet he still hasn’t forgiven Scott Summers and his Scooby Gang for foiling his little plot.

Then I become one of *them* … human - and suddenly I’m no longer worthy of being in his (self-proclaimed) great presence.

Foolishly I’d been confident that after decades together he’d never abandon me; never treat me like all the nobodies who were disposable. Guess the joke is on me.

He said he’d cried for Charles when Jean vaporized him. I wonder if he’s ever spilled any tears for me?

I’d heard through the grapevine that my ultimate personal sacrifice ended up being for nothing anyway. The X-Men outmaneuvered him on Alcatraz and pumped a syringe full of the Cure into him. Now he’s just another ordinary old man whose dreams of grandeur have been crushed. Karma can be such a bitch.

I was at Henri Bendel’s yesterday when a talent scout from Elite Modeling Agency approached me about signing with them. Apparently only Erik thinks I’m not beautiful in my current form.

With wigs, make-up and the magic of photo shop - I can become anyone. It’ll almost be like old times.  I think I’ll do it.

Changing Shape | Want me | Add to Memories | Link

author: karen, rating: pg-13, universe: x3 (the last stand), fic, genre: drama

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