FIC: Sleeping Dogs chapter 23 (Xmen Alternaverse) (Rated NC-17)

Jul 31, 2012 20:59

Title: Sleeping Dogs (23/25)
Author: JaqofSpades
Rating: NC17 or E

Summary: Rogue could almost taste his presence.  Feel his hands as they guided her through the postures, see the bead of sweat making its way down the planes of his back as he turned away from her.  She had to blink to chase away the fantasy.  He wasn't here yet.  He might not want to come with them.  With her.  She had left him for dead, after all.

From chapter 1 at A03
Chapter 23 at A03

I'll finish posting this story at the WRFA archive once the issues there have been resolved.  In the meantime - enjoy my little corner of A03!

author: jaq_of_spades, rating: nc-17, universe: au, genre: shipperfic, genre: dark, genre: action

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