Looking for my Logan!

Jun 04, 2012 15:52

Hey, I hope it's okay to post this here.  I am the admin and play Rogue at Teen Marvels and I need my Logan.  Also, we still have a bunch of characters are open to anyone who wants to play another Marvel character, come check us out!

James "Logan" Howlett is Wolverine

Age: 18 || Height: 5 ft. 3in. || Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Brown || Hair: Black
Face Claim: Ben Barnes (Optional)

Powers: Logan's, as he prefers to be called, mutant ability is a healing factor that allows him to recover from almost any injury in seconds.  His skeleton has been laced with the unbreakable metal Adamantium, which makes his bones unshatterable.  Logan also possesses three foot-long claws that retract from both hands and they are capable of slicing through almost any substance known to man.


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