One-Way Ticket On A Runaway Train - Chapter Thirteen

Mar 09, 2012 10:09

The morning after they arrived in Paris, Logan and Rogue were lying in bed enjoying some post lovemaking cuddling and listening to the gentle sound of the rain as it sheeted down the windows of their luxurious suite at the Paris Four Seasons.

Logan maneuvered so that he was now lying on his side propped up on one elbow, his head supported by one hand, as he ran the fingers of his other hand caressingly along Rogue’s cheek. “Damn, you’re so beautiful.”

“Even if I’m getting fat?” she asked jokingly.

Logan leaned down and kissed her rounded belly. “You’re not fat and you know it.”

“Logan, you’ve been so good about all this. I don’t think I’ve ever told you how grateful I am that you chose to stick by me, when you could’ve taken the easy way out,” she said, as she combed her fingers through his hair.

“What and miss all this?” he indicated, tracing the movements of the baby as he rolled in his mother’s womb.

“What? The morning sickness, the cravings, the mood swings, the weight gain - what part would you have missed exactly?” she asked, as her hand moved to caress his cheek.

“I would’ve missed being with you,” he answered honestly, as he leaned into her touch.

“Do you ever think about what your life would’ve been like, if you’d just kept driving and left me on the side of that road?”


“Are you ever sorry you stopped?”

“Never.” He watched in fascination as a small limb pushed out and caused an obvious lump in her stomach.

“Even though I messed up so badly with Scott, and now we’ve gotta pay for it for the rest of our lives?”

“Do you consider this baby a mistake?” he asked, his fingers now touching the small lump that suddenly retreated under his touch. It never failed to amaze him, this life inside of her.

“Don’t you?” she asked cautiously, shifting slightly as the baby rolled again.

“I would never consider anything that was a part of you, a mistake,” he replied, as he pressed another kiss to her stomach and being rewarded with a small lump that ‘punched’ at him.

“But you could be with someone who didn’t bring so much baggage to a relationship,” Rogue said, shifting again as the baby did a somersault inside her.

“Baggage? Sweetheart, I bring enough baggage to this relationship to fill a semi. You’re the one who should be looking for a better deal, not me. Do you wanna know the truth?” Logan asked, reaching up and twisting a lock of platinum around his fingers.

“What truth?” she asked, as she shifted onto her side to face him.

“I wandered for fifteen years with no greater ambition than to just make it to the next day. I didn’t give a damn about anything or anyone. Then you stowaway in my trailer and my whole life gets turned upside down. I suddenly have someone I actually care about and who cares about me. Now I conduct my life to prove I’m worthy enough for you. Do you realize how amazing that is? How amazing you are? I wake up every morning and I thank whatever deity brought you into my life.”

“No regrets about us?” Rogue asked, with tears brimming in the corners of her eyes.

“The only regret I have is that I wasted a year of my life looking for a past, that when it comes right down to it, doesn’t matter anyway.”

“What if you had a family?” Rogue asked, as she scooted closer to snuggle against him.

“If I did, they gave me up for dead a long time ago. Even if I had a family that was large enough to populate a small town, what good would it do me, if I can’t even remember them? I’ve got no plans to do anymore searching. The past can stay right where it is - behind me. You’re my future, you’re the one I wanna spend all my tomorrows with.”

“Oh, Logan.” Was all she was able to choke out, as the tears ran hot paths down her cool ivory cheeks.

Logan gathered her to him even closer, kissed her tears away and slowly made love to her again.


Meanwhile, next door in Scott and Kitty’s suite, after spending a good deal of the night engaged in passionate lovemaking, the couple were spending the beginning of their morning enjoying a romantic bubble bath for two. Scott leaned back against the edge of the large oval tub with Kitty cradled in his arms, her back snuggled up against his chest and her bottom pressed firmly against his pelvis. She tilted her head to one side, giving him access to her neck, which he lavished with tender kisses, as his hands began exploring her body below the waterline.

Kitty’s hands ran up and down his forearms as his hands cupped her breasts, rolling the nipples in his fingers as they quickly formed into hard peaks. She moaned softly as one of his hands continuing massaging her breasts, while the other trailed down her body and snaked its way between her legs. Shifting slightly to spread her legs to give him better accessibility, she let out a squeak as he pushed two fingers deep into her. Continuing to lavish her neck with hot kisses, Scott began pumping his fingers in and out of her, his thumb caressing her clit. It wasn’t long before Kitty arched upward as the orgasm washed over her and she cried out his name. Collapsing back against his chest, she lay there for a few minutes as her body recovered.

Kitty then twisted herself around in the water as Scott scooted up into more of a sitting position. Taking a hold of his erection, she raised herself up slightly and then lowered herself down onto him, pushing down until he was sheathed in her completely. Rotating her hips, she began a slow, sensual rhythm that soon brought them both to the edge of ecstasy. With her hands on his shoulders and his gripping her waist, she rode him harder as he thrust up into her as they moved toward final release. After a few more minutes of thrusting and writhing, Kitty peaked first, with Scott quickly following with his own shattering orgasm. She slumped against him, completely exhausted, as he enveloped her in his arms and cuddled her.

author: karen, rating: nc-17, universe: au, genre: shipperfic, genre: romance, fic, genre: drama

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