Fic: One-Way Ticket On A Runaway Train - Chapter Eleven

Jan 13, 2012 15:47

The Professor, Storm, Logan, Hank and Jean were sitting patiently in the Professor’s office waiting for Scott to join them for the meeting. It was fifteen minutes past the scheduled start of the meeting and he’d yet to arrive.

Logan was pacing, mumbling something about having better things to do than wait for someone who was probably busy styling their hair. Hank had an on-line conference scheduled with some research scientists that couldn’t be delayed and Ororo was anxious to get back out to her garden. Finally, Jean stood up and announced that she would find out what was delaying the usually prompt leader.

Without bothering to knock, and then wishing that she had, Jean entered Scott’s room. The sight that greeted her was Scott and Kitty in the middle of making love. Her mouth dropped open as she saw Kitty writhing in the throws of ecstasy, while Scott thrust into her passionately. Contemplating whether to do something obvious like clear her throat - loudly, or simply leave unnoticed, the decision was made for her when Kitty turned toward her. Instead of being startled like Jean had expected, she merely gave her a smile that reeked of satisfaction and then kissed Scott on the neck and informed him gently that they had company. He turned to glance toward the door, and seeing Jean standing there also remained less alarmed than she’d anticipated.

“Do you mind?” he said calmly.

“You’re late for the meeting,” Jean informed him, trying to regain her composure.

“Lost track of time,” he replied smugly, not bothering to disentangle himself from Kitty.

“Apparently. Everyone’s waiting. So if you could climb off your latest Miss Teen USA conquest, we’d appreciate your presence in Charles’ office.”

And with that she turned sharply and walked out briskly, slamming the door hard.

“That went well,” Kitty said.

“To hell with her. Where were we?”

“Scott, what about the meeting? Everyone’s waiting.”

“Yeah, and they can wait five more minutes,” he said laughing, as he bent down to nibble on Kitty’s neck.

“Or maybe ten,” Kitty said as she surrendered to his ministrations.


Jean stormed back into the Professor’s office and threw herself down into one of the chairs.

“Where’s Scott? Weren’t you supposed to bring him back with you?” Ororo inquired.

“He’s busy,” Jean replied through clenched teeth.

“He’s occupied? What’s more paramount than this meeting?” Hank inquired.

“Apparently riding Kitty Pryde, that’s what,” Jean answered bitterly.

Ororo covered her mouth in surprise, Hank looked equally shocked, and Logan merely chuckled. As Scott and Kitty had been emitting strong emotional psychic messages, the Professor was not as stunned as everyone else, so his expression remained calm and unreadable.

“So do we proceed without his presence, Charles?” Hank asked.

“Yes, Charles, how long should we wait?” Ororo added.

“Yeah, Jeannie, did he look close to finishing?” Logan questioned, unable to contain his amusement.

Jean glared daggers at him and snapped, “He never had much stamina, so it shouldn’t be too long.”

“Maybe when he was riding you he was just anxious to get off before he threw up,” Logan retorted.

Suddenly a book came flying off the bookshelf, hitting Logan squarely in the back of the head.

“Asshole!” Jean screamed at him.

“Stop it - both of you,” Charles demanded, “We will give him ten more minutes to present himself or we will proceed without him.”


Fifteen minutes later, Scott entered the office. Logan pantomimed the ‘humpahumpa’ motion and gave him a thumbs up, Ororo just sunk down low into her chair, Hank pretended to find something on the ceiling fascinating and Charles simply motioned for Scott to sit down. Jean shot Scott a look that was an attempt to drill holes right through him, but he just ignored her and sat down.

“Good, now that we are all finally here, let us begin,” The Professor said calmly.

“Yeah, Chuck, what’s so all-fire important that you gotta drag us out of our beds?” Logan asked, giving Scott a conspiratorial wink.

Ignoring Logan’s attempts to goad Scott, the Professor continued.

“As you are aware, Magneto has escaped from prison and is believed to be either somewhere in Europe or possibly even Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.”

“That’s quite a vast difference,” Ororo noted.

“Yes, and as you know, he’s found a way to successfully bloke Cerebro’s attempts to locate him. I’ve also heard rumors in the mutant community that he is recruiting new members to the Brotherhood. I’m attempting to ascertain which known mutants may be aligning themselves with him.”

“What about using Cerebro to locate Toad, Mystique or Sabretooth? That should lead us to Magneto,” Ororo suggested.

“Erik has found a way to block Cerebro’s attempts to lock onto their brainwaves, too,” Charles answered.

“Sabretooth don’t have brains to block, so that couldn’t have been too taxing on buckethead,” Logan said.

“That moron has more brains that some people I know,” Jean mumbled under her breath.

“Jean!” Charles warned.

“So, Charles, do you believe that Mr. Lehnsherr is an immediate threat once more?” Hank inquired.

“Yes, I believe that Erik is mobilizing a team for detrimental purposes. What, I have no idea at this time,” he admitted.

“So, we just wait for him to strike? If we were a hockey team, we wouldn’t just stand around on the ice with our thumbs up our asses as an open invitation for the other team to pound the shit outta us, we’d be going on the offensive,” Logan said.

“Yes, well crude hockey allegories aside, we need to at least find out which hole he’s hiding in, then figure out what he’s got up his sleeve before we can go on the so-called offensive,” Jean snapped.

“Okay, your highness, what do you suggest?” Logan responded.

Ignoring the insult, Jean replied, “First we need to determine who he’s recruiting and hope one of them is stupid enough to lead us to him.”

“That is exactly what we need to do, Jean,” Charles said - proud of his protégé.

Jean gave a triumphant grin to Logan, who mouthed the words “Fuck you” to her, which didn’t go unnoticed by the Professor.

“Whatever problems everyone here seems to be experiencing, I suggest that they’re resolved - immediately. We cannot function as a solid working team with all this tension. Settle it now, all of you. That is an order, by the way, not a suggestion.”

Jean looked contrite and Logan simply looked pissed.

“Scott, you and I will begin researching known mutants that Erik is likely to target for recruitment. As soon as we have any information, we’ll reconvene for strategy. Any questions?” He was greeted by five heads nodding in the negative. “Good. Thank you for your time this morning. That’s all for now.”

They all rose to leave, when Charles motioned for Scott to stay behind.

“A word with you, Scott. In private, please.”

The others filed out quickly and Scott walked over and sat down in the chair directly opposite the Professor’s desk.

“I’m sure that you don’t have to be psychic to know what I’m about to ask you.”

“Yes, I’m dating Kitty,” Scott admitted.

“Apparently, a bit more than simply dating, if Jean’s announcement was true. Did you take her to bed?”

“Yes,” he answered briefly.

“Another student, Scott? Do you really believe that’s prudent?”

“Kitty’s no longer one of my students.”

“I realize that, but she is still very young, vulnerable and probably unprepared to handle the ramifications of a physical relationship. I understand that the two of you have gotten close in these past couple of months, but don’t you think it was still too hasty on your part to take her to bed?”

“I know what you’re thinking, Charles. That this is Rogue all over again, but I assure you it isn’t. My relationship with Kitty has been building for a while now. It wasn’t like we’d never spent any time together and then suddenly *boom* out of the clear blue we’re in the sack. Maybe I should’ve officially courted her a little longer, but don’t act like I raped her.”

“Nobody’s accusing you of forcing yourself on her. I was merely suggesting that it might appear that you took advantage of Kitty’s crush on you.”

“Charles, if I just wanted to get laid, I’ve had plenty of offers from the women I’ve been going out with. I didn’t jump on Kitty just because I was horny and she was there and willing.”

“I just want you to be considerate of her reputation, that’s all.”

“I’d never do anything to harm her in any way, and I thought you had more faith in me than that. I thought above all else, you were my friend and I’m disappointed in your lack of trust.”

Scott rose out of the chair and started to leave.

“I’m just trying to protect you. Both of you, because I care.”

Scott didn’t answer him. Instead, he simply walked out of the office and quietly closed the door.


When Scott reached the kitchen, he found Kitty had already started their morning ritual of making omelets. He went up behind her as she was beating the eggs, wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her close and nuzzled her neck.

“How’d the meeting go?”

“Okay, I guess. Jean told everyone about us the minute she got back to the Professor’s office.”

“Are you okay with that?” she asked, looking over her shoulder at him.

“Are you?” he replied.

“We’re both adults and single. There’s no need for us to go sneaking around. They would’ve found out sooner or later. So what?”

“I thought you’d be freaked out.”

Kitty turned around in his arms and put her hands on his shoulders.

“I know you will protect me,” she said softly.

He cupped her face in his hand.

“You bet I will,” he said as he leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her lips.

Ororo walked into the kitchen and cleared her throat loudly, causing the two lovers to break apart.

“Morning, ‘Ro,” Kitty said sweetly.

“Good Morning, Kitty,” Ororo answered, “I just came to get a bagel and cream cheese, but I can come back later.”

“We’re just making omelets,” Kitty stated.

“Yes, of course,” Ororo said, somewhat embarrassed.

Nonetheless, she got her bagel, smeared it hastily with the cream cheese and quickly made herself scarce. Noticing that Kitty looked uncomfortable, Scott tried to placate her.

“People are gonna be weird for a while. It was that way when Jean and I first got together. It’s not personal.”

“I know. It’s not like I thought there’d be a parade in our honor or something, but I just hope that everyone can at least accept it. Even if they don’t approve.”

“Look how quickly things calmed down after Rogue got back. We’ll be old news by the end of the week,” Scott tried to reassure her.

“I’m mostly worried about Jean. I might’ve even replaced Rogue as number one on her shit list right now.”

“I didn’t leave her for you, so she has nothing to bitch about. If she gives you any grief, let me know and I’ll take care of it.”

“After breakfast, you wanna go back upstairs and finish what she interrupted earlier?” Kitty asked coquettishly.

“Why, Miss Pryde, you’re not turning into a nymphomaniac on me, are you?”

“Why? Would you complain?” she asked with a smirk.

“Do I look like I’ve taken any sharp blows to the head lately?”

Kitty giggled and pulled his head down for a searing kiss.

When they broke apart, Scott said, “Oh, to hell with the omelets.”

Kitty let out a squeak, as he swept her up in his arms and carried her back upstairs.

author: karen, universe: au, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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