Fic: One-Way Ticket On A Runaway Train - Chapter Eight

Dec 07, 2011 06:31

The next morning, Kitty walked into the kitchen and found Scott slumped over the table, his mug of coffee untouched.

“Scott, are you okay?” she asked.

He raised his head off the table and Kitty saw all the bruises from his Danger Room session with Logan. She covered her mouth as she let out a small gasp.

“Did you get the license plate of the truck that hit you?”

“Yeah, they were personalized plates…L-O-G-A-N.”

“Logan beat you up?” she said in horror.

“No. He didn’t ‘beat me up’,” Scott said indignantly, “We had a Danger Room session. I got my shots in, too, you know. It’s just that Logan heals quicker, but you should’ve seen him when we were first done. He looked like crap, too.”

“Uh-huh. So is that the only reason you look like you haven’t slept in a week?”

“I also finally ended it with Jean last night and spent the night in a guest room, which was the perfect way to end my day.”

“I’m sorry,” Kitty said sympathetically.

“The break-up was long overdue. Still hurts, though.”

Kitty sat on the chair next to him and started to gently rub his back.

“Can I fix you something to eat? I make a pretty good omelet,” she offered.

“Yeah? I didn’t know you could cook.”

“Well, not good enough to host a cooking show or anything, but I manage.”

“Actually, some food sounds good right now. I skipped dinner last night because my jaw was still throbbing too much.”

“Oh, you poor baby,” Kitty sympathized as she stood up to start breakfast. She then leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“What was that for?” he asked, genuinely surprised.

“Just looked like you could use it,” she said, blushing furiously.

Scott smiled at her. “Thanks. That did kinda hit the spot. Can I help you with breakfast?”

“As long as you don’t set the kitchen on fire like Rogue tends to do.”

“Maybe we should have the fire extinguisher handy just in case.”

Kitty regarded him with a worried expression. Scott held his hands up in a ‘stop’ gesture.

“Just kidding. I’ve never set a kitchen on fire…yet,” he joked.

“Okay, smart ass, go get the stuff we’ll need out of the fridge.”

Scott opened the door to the fridge and then turned to Kitty.

“What kinda stuff?”

“Well, I’d say to make omelets, we’re gonna need, uh …eggs!”

“Duh! I meant what else? What do you usually put in your omelets? Mushrooms, cheese, bacon, what?”

“This is your special omelet, so you choose. I’m not picky.”

“I thought all girls were picky eaters?”

“I’ll let you in on a little secret, Scott. We only pretend to be dainty eaters on dates. After you drop us off at home, we unhinge our jaws and empty the fridge.”

“Aha, I knew it,” he declared as gathered the items.

Kitty made the omelets while Scott made the toast, poured the orange juice and set the table. They were sitting enjoying their breakfast and chatting amiably when Rogue strolled into the kitchen, interrupting the mood.

Rogue noticed Scott’s battered face. “God, Scott, you look like shit.”

“Unfortunately, unlike that big ape you call your boyfriend, I don’t have a healing factor.”

“Well, I hope you both learned your lesson yesterday and they’ll be no more fighting or I’ll have to kick both of your sorry asses.”

“Please, anything but a pregnant woman beating me up,” Scott joked.

“Well, if you two would just behave yourselves, then you’ll have nothing to worry about.”

“Yes, dear,” Scott said contritely, winking at Kitty.

“My sonogram appointment is in an hour. Will you ready to leave in about half an hour?”

“Oh yeah, the appointment. I’ll be ready. I just gotta grab a quick shower and I’m good to go.” Turning to Kitty he said, “Thanks for the omelet, it was delicious. You can cook me breakfast any morning.”

“You’re welcome, Scott,” she said, her face beaming.

He rose from the table, leaned back down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. She turned crimson when she saw Rogue staring at her with her mouth hanging open. When Scott was clear of the kitchen, Rogue wasted no time pouncing on her friend.

“Wow, what was that all about? Did I interrupt something?” she asked mischievously.

Kitty was still pink. “Nah, it was nothing. We just made breakfast together. No big deal.”

“And the kiss? Was that no big deal? ‘Cause it sure made you look like someone took a flamethrower to you.”

“Oh, that,” Kitty said as she touched her still warm cheek.

“Yeah, oh that. Do you have a crush on our Fearless Leader?”


“Well, do you?” Rogue insisted.

“Maybe just a little,” Kitty answered shyly, holding her thumb and pointer finger apart slightly. “Don’t be mad, Rogue,” she added.

“Mad? Why would I be mad?” Rogue asked, a little perplexed.

“Well, I just thought with him being your baby’s daddy and all … that … you know, it might be ...weird,” she answered.

“Scott and I are not a couple, Kitty. If he ever gets smart enough to kick Jean to the curb, you should go for it, babe.”

“He did kick Jean to the curb. They broke up last night.”

“NO! Really?” And then Rogue knitted her eyebrows together. “I’m sure I’ll get blamed for this somehow and it’ll be one more reason for Jean to hate my guts.”

“She can’t do anything to you. Don’t worry about it. Besides, Scott told me that the break-up was long overdue. When they originally split in May, they should’ve just stayed broken up. Getting back together was a bad idea in the first place. They’re just correcting that mistake, that’s all. If it hadn’t been the baby, it would have been something else, eventually. Some people just aren’t destined for happily-ever-after.”

“So, do you see yourself written into that story instead?”

“We’re just friends. It’s not like I’m going hop into bed with him at the first opportunity.” Suddenly Kitty stopped herself. “I’m sorry, Rogue. I didn’t mean …”

“It’s okay. We both know Scott and I weren’t thinking too clearly that night,” Rogue started and then added, “but I know I love this little baby…no matter what circumstances he was created.”

“What about Scott? How do you feel about him?”

“Honestly? Confused mostly. I think that I should feel something for him, because he’s the baby’s daddy and all, but I know I don’t love him. Not in the way I love Logan. It’s such a mess. I wish everyday that Logan was the father, but he’s not and we’re all just gonna have to deal with the situation as best we can.”

“The next one will be Logan’s.”

“Whoa, hold it there. Let me get through having this one first,” Rogue said, laughing gently.

“What’s so amusing?” Logan asked, entering the kitchen and heading for the coffee pot.

“Kitty was just talking about me having another baby after this little guy is born.”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Logan said as he poured his coffee.

“Logan, my poor body needs to recuperate you know. Were you planning on ravishing me in the delivery room? Because I presume Hank would probably frown on that.”

“I was reading in one of those baby books that a woman needs to wait six weeks after giving birth before resuming sexual relations. So that means by the time junior there is ten and half months he could have a brother or sister.”

“The cursed side effects of having a well-informed boyfriend. I really need to start hiding those books.”

“Well, I agree with Logan. I think you should give junior a little brother or sister. Instant playmate and all,” Kitty said, winking conspiratorially at Logan.

“Don’t even think about ganging up on me, you hear? Let me get through this experience first and then we’ll talk.”

“Ah, talk’s overrated,” Logan said, as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to Rogue’s lips, “I’m heading off to the gym. I’ll see you when you get back from the sonogram place.”

“You’re taking it rather well that Scott’s going with Rogue this time. I’m very impressed by your mature attitude,” Kitty informed him.

“Don’t be. I’m taping a photo of him to the punching bag.”

Rogue just shook her head and rolled her eyes. Just then Scott came back into the kitchen.

“Gee, Scott, have an accident?” Logan asked, while trying to suppress a laugh.

“Yeah, had a run-in with the missing link,” Scott retorted.

Rogue immediately sprang to her feet. “Don’t even start,” she warned, stepping between the two. “Scott, we don’t have time for this. Let’s go.”

She turned to Logan and said, “If you continue to be a bad boy, you’ll have to be punished later.”

“Bondage?” Logan asked, quirking an eyebrow at her. “’Cause I can run into town and get us some kinky outfits I’ve had my eye on at …”

Rogue pressed a hand to his mouth. “Behave. We should be back soon.”

“Think about those outfits,” Logan shouted to Rogue’s retreating back as he turned to see Kitty staring at him mortified.


“Hey, what you two do in the privacy of your room is none of my business,” Kitty said as she backed out of the room. “See ya, Logan.”

He chuckled to himself, pulled a cigar out of his pocket and was just about to light up, when Storm came strolling into the kitchen.

“Logan! Oh gross! Not in the house, and especially not in the kitchen. Take that disgusting thing outside,” she said, pointing to the French doors that led to the patio.

He gave a low growl, grabbed his coffee mug and muttered, “Women!” as he banished himself to the patio.


During the second sonogram, the tech explained that the during the past month the baby’s nervous system has rapidly developed, the bladder was now functioning, the unique fingerprints were in place, the hearing had developed and the baby could now react to sound. The hair, eyebrows and eyelashes were also beginning to grow in and it had the capacity for basic movements such as grasping, frowning and squinting. The *picture* was so clear, that Rogue and Scott got to see the baby sucking its thumb. The tech informed them that he could clearly determine the sex and asked if they wanted to know. They both answered an enthusiastic “Yes” and the tech moved the wand so that he could show them the feature that made the baby a little boy. Scott burst into tears as he ran his fingers over the screen. A son. He was having a son. When the tech wiped the gel off of Rogue’s stomach Scott leaned down and pressed a kiss to his son.

“So, now you can start working on that list of names,” The tech said, interrupting the moment.

Names! It occurred to Scott and Rogue at the exact same time that they’d not discussed names and particularly whose last name the baby would have. This was about to open up a nice big juicy can of worms. On the way out of the medical center Rogue decided to broach the subject they’d both been thinking about ever since the tech’s comment.

“Scott, why don’t we each make a list of the names we like and compare notes? Maybe we’ll have the same name on both lists, making it easy,” she offered.

“Okay, that sounds like a good idea. But, Rogue, what about the baby’s last name? We have to discuss that sometime before it’s time to fill out the birth certificate.”

“I’ve actually given that a lot of thought lately, and I think the baby should have your last name. I know that Logan’s not gonna be happy about it, but it’s tradition and I’m a traditional gal.”

Scott was stunned. He’d expected a prolonged argument.

“Really? You mean it?” he asked, double-checking as he unlocked the passenger door.

“Don’t look so shocked. I did promise you I’d try to include you more, and be cooperative. It’s just a name. It’s not a decision that’s gonna effect world peace or anything,” Rogue answered as she slid into her seat and Scott walked around to the driver’s side.

“Maybe not world peace, but it’s gonna have an effect on life at the mansion,” he said as he got in, sat down and turned on the ignition.

“If you mean Logan, I can handle him. He’ll accept it …eventually.”

“He wants to exclude me from any aspects of this baby’s life. If he had his way, I’d conveniently get myself killed on a mission and solve his problem.”

“Scott! Logan may be a little insecure about his place in the baby’s life, so that’s why he‘s being a little possessive, but he’d never wish you harm. Jean, on the other hand, would like to see me fall off the edge of the planet.”

“Jean doesn’t care anymore.”

“Wanna bet? Believe me, she’s still plenty pissed. If looks could kill, I’d be a goner.”

“Do you want me to talk to her? Tell her to leave you alone?”

“Nah, I can handle the dirty looks. Just as long as she keeps her distance, I’ll be okay.”

“Maybe she’ll get a new boyfriend and will be too busy to harass you.”

“Well, there’s always hope,” Rogue chuckled, “What about you? Any potential romance on the horizon?”

“Not exactly many prospects at the mansion, so Charles suggested I join the gym in town. Said it’s always a good place to scope out the babes.”

“The Professor actually used the word ‘babes’?”

“Yeah, can you believe it? I think he’s trying to be hip.”

Rogue laughed softly, images of a *hip* Professor Xavier flitting through her mind.

“What about Storm? She’s beautiful,” Rogue inquired.

“Storm definitely qualifies for ‘babe’ status, but we’re just friends and I just don’t think of her that way. Even if I did, and we started dating, what if something went wrong? I don’t need two ex-girlfriends at the mansion glaring at me, making my life a living nightmare thank-you-very-much.”

“Yeah, I see your point. So, when are you gonna start going to the gym and beginning your search for a new Miss Right?”

“I’m going over there this afternoon as a matter of fact. “

“Well, good for you, Scott.”

“It’s been a long time since I was ‘on the market’. I hope I remember all that dating etiquette stuff.”

“You’ll do fine,” she assured him, touching his arm lightly. “You’re a great guy, Scott, and any woman will be lucky to ‘reel you in’.”

He turned to her with a big grin. “Thanks, my ego needed that boost today.”

“Do we have time before you go to the gym to stop at the mall? I have a couple of books I wanna pick up at Barnes and Noble.”

Scott checked his watch. “Yeah, plenty of time. My appointment with the trainer isn’t until two o’clock.”

“You have to have a trainer? Do they know you teach phys ed and combat training at the school?”

“Believe it or not there wasn’t a place to put that on the paperwork I filled out. Anyway, I think they have to show you how to use their equipment ‘cause they don’t want you breaking anything, I guess. Besides maybe my trainer will be cute.”

“And maybe even a girl,” Rogue joked.

“Well, I may be having problems with my love life, but I’m not ready to start batting for the other team just yet.”

They both broke out laughing as they pulled into the mall’s parking lot.

Rogue picked up the books she wanted from Barnes and Noble, ‘Pregnancy Chic: The Fashion Survival Guide’, ‘The Complete Book Of Yoga and Meditation For Pregnancy’, ‘Aromatherapy and Massage For Mother and Baby’ and the two books that made Scott raise his eyebrows, ‘Your Sexuality Through All Stages of Motherhood’ and ‘Having A Second Baby Within Three Years Of The First’.

The last two were Logan’s idea Rogue explained, as Scott looked bemused.

Walking past the food court, they ran into Jubilee and Kitty who were each carrying several shopping bags.

“Is the mall going out of business and you’re rushing to buy as much as you can before that happens?” Scott asked jokingly.

“This?” Jubilee asked, indicating the bags, “This is a slow day for us.”

“We were just about to grab some lunch, you two wanna join us?” Kitty asked.

“Sounds good to me. I’m starving,” Scott said.

“You had a big breakfast, how can you be that hungry again already?” Kitty asked.

“’Cause I’m a guy,” he offered as the only explanation.

“Well, I better get back to the house. Logan will be digging a trench in our room with all the pacing as it is.”

“I’m not that hungry right now, so why don’t I take Rogue back to the mansion. Scott, you can stay and have lunch with Kitty and bring her back with you,” Jubilee suggested.

Before Kitty could say anything, Scott said, “That’ll work. Kitty, you wanna be my lunch date?”

“Okay,” she answered quietly, glancing over at Rogue, who just gave her a small smile and a quick wink, making Kitty blush.

As Rogue and Jubilee walked away, Rogue leaned over and whispered something in Jubilee’s ear. Jubilee turned to glimpse back at Kitty and gave her the thumbs up sign. Kitty glared daggers at her and was glad that Scott was too busy studying the different restaurants to notice what Jubilee had done. She then turned to Scott and gave him an adoring smile.


When Rogue got back to the mansion Logan greeted her at the door, very excited to show her what he’d purchased while she was gone.

“Look, it’s called a prenatal heart listener,” he said, thrusting the box at her, “It amplifies the sounds of the baby in the womb. It has a set of headphones and it even has an audio recorder to record all the sounds. Neat, huh?”

“Where did you find this?”

“Babies R Us. And get this, they have a ‘baby registry’ program, where you can make a list of stuff you want and then people go in and buy it for you.”

“You went to a store? Without a gun to your head?” Rogue asked baffled. She then placed the palm of her hand against his forehead, “Hmmm, you don’t appear to have a fever.”

“Very funny,” Logan replied.

“I’m just yanking your chain. I think it’s very sweet you’re getting so into this whole thing.”

“Ahh, please…‘sweet’ ain’t in my vocabulary. ‘Sweet’ is for pansies like Scooter.”

“Logan, you really should try to stop constantly picking on poor Scott. Our lives are gonna be tangled up together for a long time, we have to get along. Please promise me you’ll try harder to play nice.”

“Do I have to promise? You know I don’t like to break my promises to you,” Logan whined.

“Exactly. That’s why you have to promise.”

“Okay, I promise to try not to pound his poindexter ass. Well, nothing fatal at least.”

“Logan, you’re impossible,” Rogue said with a sigh.

“Yeah, but I’m cute, so you’ll forgive me,” Logan said, as he gave her the crooked grin that always made her melt.

“Not to mention a fantastic lover,” she added, brushing a hand over his cheek.

“Speaking of which …” Logan started to say, as he picked Rogue up, slung her over his shoulder and marched them up to their bedroom.

“What about lunch?” she giggled.

“We’ll work up a good appetite,” he announced playfully.

author: karen, rating: pg-13, universe: au, universe: x1 (x-men), fic, genre: drama

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