New chapter of "Everything"

Oct 25, 2011 09:06

Title:  Everything

Author:  Alesia

Rating:  NC17

Summary:  Logan has taken in a desperate and on-the-run Marie who has offered ‘anything’ in exchange for his protection.  Logan wants everything.  This story chronicles is what happens to them and their relationship dynamic as they learn about each other during the return ride to Xavier’s.  It also explores how their rather non-traditional relationship is received by the team once they arrive at the mansion.  This story was inspired by Kristine’s “Anything”  This story will make more sense if you have read "Anything" first as my opening chapter picks up right where Kristine’s story ends.  Besides her story is one of the best W/R pieces ever written so you might as well go read it - NOW!  :)…I’ll wait.

Chapter 7 is up at the WRFA -

pairing, rating: nc-17, author: alesia027, universe: au, genre: romance, genre: dark, fic

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