Home That Might Have Been: Chapter 2 - Country Club Chic

Sep 16, 2011 18:01

Fic Summary: Logan and Marie move into their dream house to start their perfect life together. Life happens and those around Marie start butting their noses into her life, hacking it to pieces with seemingly sound logic and hard felt life experiences. Will she and Logan survive the aftermath?

Years after X1, everyone s gone their separate ways, Marie is 19 when this starts.
Rating: PG 13
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst
Disclaimer: If onlyI owned them, Wolvie would be mine.

A/N: Here's the second chapter. It's been up at ffn for a while now, but I can't believe that I didn't put it up here. This actually won't be worked on for a while, but I promise to get back to this soon. I've got an Ironman Angst Bang going, and a one shot I'm working on and I've got original's galore. But enjoy it, and badgering me with comments might actually get something done.

1- Puzzle Piece Perfect
2- Country Club Chic

author: askita, genre: angst, universe: au, genre: romance, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: pg-13, fic, genre: drama

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