What Do You Want From Me- Epilogue,

Aug 03, 2011 16:01

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.
Author’s notes: Sorry this took forever, but I was very busy. So here it is, the end for anyone who felt it needed a little more closure.


Marie leaned out of the window of her bedroom, feeling the cool breeze dance along her skin. She smiled as she felt someone stand behind her, a strong arm sliding across her waist and pulling her into a warm body.

“Come back to bed.”


“I’m not finished with you yet.” He whispered huskily.

Marie whimpered, feeling his hand slip under her silk top, caressing her belly. Logan chuckled and then spun her around, looking deep into her eyes. She smiled as she stared into the hazel eyes that for some reason held so much love for her. She reached up and put her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his until he moaned in frustration.

“Why Logan, are you trying seduce me?” she whispered sweetly.

“Nope, just following my instincts.”

“Oh come on. They can’t still be saying make love to me.”

Logan growled and bit her neck, lapping at the wound before pulling back to look at her again.

“Darlin’, they never stopped.”

Marie blushed and moved one hand to rub her neck, turning around in his arms to face the moon again. She shivered as she felt Logan’s lips brush her ear.

“What’s wrong Marie?”

“I’m not the girl that great things happen to. I’m waiting for the other shoe to fall.”

Logan sighed and kissed her neck before pulling away. He grasped her hand and pulled her with him away from the window. He walked through their bedroom door and into the living room. He stopped by the coffee table and gestured to her various books and documents laying there.

“You have a career; you’re currently studying to be a psychologist. You’re making something of yourself, baby.”

She nodded and he then dragged her to the door next to their room. He opened it slowly and peeked in, before leading her in quietly. Lena was asleep on her new big girl bed, covers thrown off and a little drool on her cheek, a tiara askew on her head. Marie removed the tiara with the three on, kissed Lena’s forehead and pulled the covers back up. She placed the tiara on Lena’s dresser and turned to Logan who had a smile on his face.

“You have a three-year old daughter who loves you. Who needs you.” He whispered.

Marie nodded, feeling slightly guilty at the memory of when she had gone with Logan to Paris. When they’d arrived at the hotel his parent’s were staying at, Lena had been in the middle of a temper and had immediately brightened up when she had seen Marie. For the first week they’d spent Paris, Lena had refused to be apart from Marie, screaming if anyone tried to take her away. Looking up at Logan, Marie smiled and nodded, allowing him to lead to back to the living room, where he sat down on his favourite black futon and pulled her onto his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder and her hand on his heart.

“You have me, Marie. I love you. You’re my wife, my lover, my best friend, my mate. I’ll never let you go.”

“I know Logan. I love you too. You’re everything to me. You, Lena...”

She took his hand and looked up, gazing into his eyes and she placed his hand on her stomach.

“The baby.”

Logan’s eyes widened and his eyes snapped to her stomach and then back to her face.


“Yup, found out yesterday when I went to see Hank.”

“Darlin’... that’s amazing.”

Marie smiled and placed a chaste kiss on Logan’s cheek before standing up and stretching.

“Well, I’m awake now.”

“Oh really?”

“No Logan. I didn’t do any work today cause it was Lena’s birthday. I have schedules to organise and... and... please don’t stop...”

All her thoughts vanished as Logan stood up and started kissing his neck. She moaned as she felt his hands slide up her top to cup her breasts. She breathed his name and placed her hands on his strong arms, rubbing in small circles to encourage him.

“Marie... shall we go back to bed?”

She moaned but the phone ringing broke her lust filled thoughts and she slipped out of Logan’s grasp and reached out to pick up the phone.


“Hey, Marie. It’s Bobby.”

“Hey Bobby, what’s up?”

“Is Logan there?”

“Sure, one moment.”

Marie handed the phone to Logan, who took it and walked towards the kitchen. Marie sat back on the couch and fanned herself for a moment. She then picked up the photo album that was laying between her notes and opened it up. She flipped through, pausing at the picture of her and Logan at their wedding. Logan looked extremely handsome in a tuxedo and Marie was wearing a backless Vera Wang gown. The next picture was their honeymoon in Japan. She, Logan and Lena had spent three weeks there, enjoying life and learning to be a family. Once they came back, Marie had resumed her position at the mansion as a P.A while taking an online psychology course and Logan had gone back into architecture, now running his own construction company and spending most of his time at home with Lena, drawing up designs for various buildings. On weekends, he was at the gym giving karate and kick boxing classes to the youths of Westchester.

The sound of a small whimper broke Marie from her thoughts and she walked to the back door and opened it, letting in the small grey kitten. Marie bent down to stroke his head.

“Hey Wolvie, did Logan stick you outside again?”

The kitten mewed and licked Marie’s hand, making small mewling noises. Marie picked little Wolverine up and carried him over to his kitty basket, placing him gently in. She looked up as Logan came in from the kitchen, placing the phone back in the receiver, and laughed as he eyed the kitten angrily.

“Logan, you can’t put Wolverine outside. Lena will be devastated if her kitten runs away.”

“I have no idea why I bought that thing.”

“Because Lena blinked these big eyes and pouted a little, and of course her darling dad caved in about two seconds.”

Logan snorted and settled on the couch, patting the spot next to him. Marie walked over and sank down next to him, keeping some space between them. She really did need to work tonight, and being near Logan was the ultimate distraction. He smirked and turned the T.V on, keeping the volume low.

“So?” she asked.

“So what?”

“What did Bobby want?”

“He and Kitty want to use the cabin in Canada for their next vacation.”


“I said it was fine.”

“But... where will we go?”

“We promised Lena we’d go to Disneyland. Remember?”


“Mommy promised.”

Marie turned her head and looked towards Lena’s room. Lena was standing by her door clutching her blankie in one hand and her favourite doll in the other. Marie smiled and extended her arms, Lena running towards her and into her embrace.

“I know Lena. We’ll go to Disneyland.”

“And see Donald?”

“Yeah babygirl, we’ll see Donald Duck. Now, did you have a bad dream?”

“No, I’m thirsty.”

“Okay... well mommy needs to finish some work. Can daddy take you into the kitchen and tuck you in?”

Lena nodded and Marie smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead. Logan stood up and picked up Lena, walking with her to the kitchen while trying to tickle her. Marie sighed as she watched them go, feeling all her fears float away. Logan was right; she had everything she wanted and more. Her luck had turned and she was finally living the life she had always wanted. Picking up her book, she settled back in the couch and when Logan sat back down with Lena on his lap, she snuggled closer to her family, resting her head on Logan’s shoulder and reaching one hand out to hold Lena’s. Marie Turner never believed in luck, hope or fate because Marie Turner was a girl who thought she had nothing. Marie Howlette had everything she needed and firmly believed in fate, luck, hope and above all love.


A/N: And I'm done! And I have a great love for Donald Duck.

genre: foof, universe: au, genre: romance, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic

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