What Do You Want From Me- Part 13/?,

Apr 06, 2011 16:42

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake and cookies.
Author’s notes: Sorry, I had serious writers block. Enjoy.


“Leave the money on the table.” she hissed.


Marie turned around and threw her glass at him, causing it to smash right beside his head.

“Leave the goddam money on the table and get the fuck out Remy!”

Remy sighed and brushed glass off his suit where tiny shards of glass had flown onto the material. He took out a wad of cash from his pocket and placed it the table. Marie nodded in thanks and continued packing her bag. She had been staying at a hotel for exactly three days before Remy found her. It wasn’t that hard, she’d accidently left a number for the hotel lying around his house. He knew she’d leave and had come to say goodbye in person. She’d asked him for the money he owed her from when she’d worked as his personal assistant for a week. They hadn’t known each other long and she had felt a little strange whenever he offered to pay for the things she needed back then. He had promised to pay her but never did once they started sleeping together.  Right now she needed all the money she could get. Shaking her head, she sat down on the on the bed and rubbed her head.

“Where ya headed?” whispered Remy.

“Don’t know. I’m getting sick of this hotel. There’s another one closer to the club.”

“You dancing again?”

“Nah, working as a bartender. My boss took one look at my busted leg and made me sit on a stool behind the counter and serve the customers hanging around the bar. The other girls handle the customers sitting at the booths and tables.”

“You had something good at Xavier’s, you know?”

“Yeah, but it’s over now. I was never meant for great things.”

“You’re wrong, you’re life is only beginning chere.”

Marie shrugged and leaned over to zip up her bag. It wasn’t filled with much, just a few pairs of jeans, t-shirts and her toiletries. She only had one pair of boots which she was currently wearing. Running her fingers through her hair, she stood up and moved past Remy, picking up the cash and stuffing it in her pocket.

“Goodbye Marie. I’ll always love you.”

“I know. Goodbye.”


Marie sat at the bar, staring at the patrons dancing by the jukebox. The club had really changed since she’d last been here. Gone were the poles and red lights. Instead there were booths and tables everywhere and tucked away in the corner a dance floor. The old private dance room had been turned into a sort of games room and the door was removed and replaced with beads so that Cane could keep an eye on his girls. Cane spent most of his time at the front door, acting as the bouncer while the current bouncer was off sick. His wife Jamie was in the office, sorting out the accounts or looking at the security camera’s. All in all, the place had a more homey feel now while still providing the entertainment of gorgeous girls for the men to feast on. All the waitresses wore either a short black skirt or shorts and a bikini top. Marie had opted with jeans and a t-shirt.

As she heard laughter from the entrance, she froze as she saw who entered the club. Scott, Jean, Jubilee and Ororo walked in, laughing at something Jean had said, as well as looking around the club. Scott spotted her and informed the others and Marie started shaking slightly as they all approached her. They sat down in front of her and smiled, Scott clearing his throat and gesturing around the place.

“We were just talking to the owner about how much this place has changed.”

“Um... yeah... can..can I get you anything?”

“Whiskey, neat and water for Jean. She’s pregnant.”

“Oh, congratulations.”

“Thank you Marie.”

“I’ll have a pina colada.” Said Jubilee, throwing a wink at one of the men that walked in.

“Jubilation, behave.” Reprimanded Ororo, “what’s your best liqueur?”

“We have peppermint flavoured one that I’d recommend.” said Marie, trying to still her shaking.

“I’ll have that then. So how have you been my dear?”


“Where are you staying?”

“A hotel.”

Marie watched as Jean and Ororo shared a look before looking Jubilee who shrugged. Marie poured their drinks and handed it them, taking their money and giving change before reaching down to rub her leg. Jean frowned and leaned over the counter.

“You okay, Marie?”

“Yeah. I’ve been sitting too long.”

Jean nodded and took a sip of her water before grabbing Ororo's wrist and smirking.

“Ororo, let’s go dance.”


“Come on! Scott will protect us from being groped, right honey?”

Scott’s eye widened but then he sat up straight, finished his drink and squared his shoulders.

“Come ladies, let’s dance.”

He hooked his left arm with Jean’s and his right with Ororo. The three then walked towards the dance floor, laughing and making jokes. Jubes stared at her drink for awhile before sighing and rubbing her head.

“Marie, I know Logan isn’t the best when it comes to making himself clear, but he wants to be with you.”


“No, wait. You have to know a few things. Logan doesn’t understand why you left Lena with him. Apart of him feels like it’s his fault. He feels like he drove you away, like he didn’t fight for you.”

“Fight for me? Jubes, he and Kayla are taking Lena to Paris-“

“Is that what he said?”

“No, but-“

“Then how do you know? Gosh, you two are so stubborn. Is it so hard to say, ‘I love you and want to be with you.’, does everything have to filled with so much angst? You know he broke up with Kayla?”


“They were starting to break apart since your accident. She noticed how traumatized he was when he thought he might lose you. He’s never looked at her like that, never been so wild and untamed, the way he punched Remy with so much force, it was clear that he felt you belonged to him. That you belonged with him. Once you moved in with Remy, Logan became different. It was clear to everyone but you that he loved you. That he was in love with you.”

Marie felt the tears run down her cheeks and she looked down at her hands that still shook. She realised that the other day when she told him to hold her, to pretend that she was the one, he wasn’t pretending but trying to show her what she refused to listen to. How much he loved her, how she was all he ever wanted and how they should be together. But she’d been to wrapped up in fear that she didn’t see what he was trying to show her.

“Oh Jubes, I love him so much it hurts to be without him.” she gasped, clutching her chest.

“I knew it.”

“But... he’s gone now, isn’t he?”

Jubes shook her head and reached into her bag, rummagning around through the contents before pulling out a thin, long envelope. She handed it to Marie and took another sip of her drink.

“What’s this?” asked Marie.

“Plane ticket to Paris.”


“Nope, don’t wanna hear it. Go to Paris.”

“And then what is supposed to happen?”

“I’ll tell Logan that he’s going to pick me up at the airport. He'll arrive, see you and then the fireworks happen.”

“One problem.”muttered Marie.


“I’m scared of flying.”



“Well... take the ticket and think about it, okay? You got a seven days before the plane leaves.”

“Sure Jubes.”

Jubilee nodded and hopped up, heading to the dance floor to join the others. Marie looked down at the envelope and shook her head.

“No way.” She whispered.


“What am I doing here?”

Marie looked up at the flight times, and then looked at her ticket. She had firmly told herself that there was no way she was going. She quit her job merely due to health reasons. She spent most of the money Remy gave on clothes just so that she had nice things to wear. She took a cab to the airport this morning just to have a look. And the reason she had checked in, gave in her luggage, gone through security and was now waiting at her gate three hours before her flight... well, she didn’t have a reason yet. But she was certainly not going on that plane. Sighing in frustration, she put her head in her hands. The various scenario’s had been playing in her head for the past few days. One, the one she hated, was where she arrived in Paris to find Logan waiting with Kayla, intending to tell Jubilee that he was getting back together with her. That broke her heart every time she thought about it. Another one that terrified her was the plane crashing. The dream was never detailed, just loud noises, flashes of red and a fear that spread through Marie as she woke up drenched in sweat. There was the beautiful dream as well, where she arrived at the airport in Paris and Logan was there, smiling. He’d pick her up and spin her around and tell her how much he loved her.

Marie looked up at the aeroplanes and shivered, shaking her head. She took out her cell and pressed redial. After about six rings Marie heard a click on the other end.

“Hey Marie.”

“Jubes, where’ve you been? I’ve been trying to reach you all day.”

“I’m busy. You’re in the airport right?”

“Yeah, just got through security. Why?"

"No reason. Give me a minute, okay?”

She heard Jubes fumbling around in the background and groaned. What other totures did Jubilee plan to inflict on her now?

“Jubilee! Jubes! Come on, listen to me.”

“Just a second.”

Marie sighed and heard Jubilee muttering something to someone else.

“Are you talking to someone there?” she asked.

“Um.. yeah, Kitty’s on the other phone. One second, okay?”

“Look Jubes, I change my mind. I can’t do this alone.”

“You won’t have to.” Came a deep voice near her ear.

Marie squealed and dropped her cell, standing up and turning around. Logan stood there, arms crossed, smirking at her.

“Hey darlin’.”

“I’m dead ,aren’t I?”

“No. Come here.”

Marie reached down and turned off her cell, before walking around the bench and standing in front of Logan. She reached out slowly to touch his arm and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her into a hug.

“God, I missed you.” He whispered.

Marie moved her head back so she could look at him and smiled, tears running down her cheeks.

“I missed you too. I thought you were in Paris?”

“I was. But Jubilee called and said you needed someone to go with you. So I flew down.”

“You flew to back here just to fly all the back to Paris?”



“Because... because I love you. I want to be with you.”

“Oh Logan, I love you too.”

She reached up, pulling his face closer. He leaned down the rest of the way and their lips met in a gentle kiss. Marie felt her heart burst to life after being dead for so long. She finally had someone to love her and only her, so she let herself feel knowing there was no secrecy, no regret and having to say goodbye. Most importantly, there was no pretending.


universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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