What Do You Want From Me- Part 12/?,

Mar 18, 2011 23:09

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake and cookies.
Author’s notes: Sorry that the last chapter was so short, but did it really only deserve one review. And will no-one watch my video's on youtube! *sniff* Eminem's new song inspired me to keep writing in this chapter.


[I'm about to lose my mind
you've been gone for so long
I'm running out of time
I need a doctor
call me a doctor
I need a doctor, doctor
to bring me back to life] - I need a doctor;dr Dre ft Eminem ft Skyler Grey


Marie sat in the living room a week later, Remy having called to say he was spending another four days in New Orleans, watching a Disney movie with Lena. The little girl was sitting in her lap, giggling at the characters on screen, holding the doll Logan had bought her on her lap. Marie couldn’t help the tears that threatened to fall. It wasn’t the first time she’d cried during Beauty and The Beast, and probably wouldn’t be the last. Something about happy endings that always seemed so unattainable.

“Mommy! Look, teacup.”

“I see babygirl.”

Lena giggled and bounced up and down, causing Marie to wince slightly at the slight pain that shot through her leg. As the phone from the other room rang, she placed Lena onto the sofa, stood up carefully and hobbled towards the kitchen. She picked up the phone, giving herself a quick mental shake before answering in what she hoped was a cheerful voice.



“Oh... hi Remy. You on your way home?”

“About that...”

He trailed off and Marie couldn’t help but slam her fist on the table in frustration.

“Dammit Remy don’t you dare!”

“Chere things are a little more complicated than they were before.”

“How exactly?”

“Belle’s pregnant.”

“Belle? As in Bella Donna? As in your wife?”

“Oui. I’m so sorry.”

“Wait, you said you didn’t sleep with your wife. That she meant nothing to you.”

“Don’t be naive Marie, of course I sleep with my wife. She is my wife. All I said was that I don’t love her.”

“And I’m just the live in whore!”

“Stop it!”

Marie flinched at the coldness in his tone, so different from the charming, soft voice he usually spoke to her in. He was those men her mama had warned her about. Smooth talking men, who seemed like prince charming, but were really wolves only after one thing. He was a guy, and his mind was only on one thing.

“How far along is she?”whispered Marie.

“Three months.”

“Look Remy, I’ve been pregnant before. Your wife is going to need you. And I’m not going to sit around and play the oblivious bimbo.”

“What are you saying? Don’t you love me anymore?”

“It’s not that Remy. I just don’t love you as much as I used.”

She heard him sigh and then he whispered something to someone beside him. Marie tapped her fingers impatiently on the counter, leaning past the door way to check on Lena. The little girl was entranced by the magic cutlery on the screen that danced and sang. Marie pinched the bridge of her nose and inhaled and exhaled very slowly.


“Still here chere. Just... don’t leave. Give me a few days to figure some things.”

“You have a week. Then I’m gone.”


She ended the call and slammed the phone on the counter. She rubbed her head and willed herself to calm down before faking a smile and going back to the one person who loved her completely.


She realized a week in this house would actually kill her. After a day she called Jubilee, begging for some company. Jubilee arrived with Kitty in tow, both girls taking a tour in the house before taking over her kitchen. Marie watched them with amusement from her seat on the couch, her eyes occasionally going over to Lena who was playing with the toys in her toybox. Soon, Jubilee skipped out the kitchen and flopped down next to her, turning the tv off.

“Jubes.” Whined Marie.

“We need to talk.”


“Why you’ve been avoiding me since your accident?” asked Jubilee.

“I haven’t been avoiding you. I mean you came to see me in hospital, remember?”

“Yeah, but you never invited me here until Remy suggested it, you didn’t look directly at me when I visited you at the hospital and you ignore my calls. Is this because I’m Logan’s sister, cause that’s hardly fair.”

Marie sighed and shook her head, looking down at her hands.

“The thing is Jubes... I heard you at the bar.”


“You and Kitty. You said that you would never tell me that I would probably lose Lena.”


Marie looked up as Jubilee trailed off. The girl was looking at the entrance of the kitchen where Kitty was leaning against the entrance. Kitty sighed and walked over to them, sitting between Marie and Jubilee.

“It was wrong, for us to gossip like that.” Whispered Kitty.

“I just... you’re my best friend Marie... and, I didn’t want to hurt you.” explained Jubilee.

Marie nodded and reached out to squeeze Jubilee’s hand. Jubilee squeezed it back before standing and walking back to the kitchen. Marie smiled at Kitty to show how grateful she was. Kitty rubbed Marie’s arm and let out a small sigh.

“So, when last have you and Logan spoken?”

“Since the day I told him the affair was over.”

“Wow, that’s about three weeks right?”

“Just over.” Muttered Marie.


“I... I think I’ve run enough times now...”

“Maybe... but... look, this is none of my business... the thing is... living with a married man, even one that loves you, is not right, and-“

“I know.”

“-and... you know?”

“I’m not dumb Kitty. I just fooled myself into thinking this could work. But like I said, I’m done running.”

“So, you’ll come back to the mansion?”

Marie smiled sadly and shook her head. Instead of answering she stood and headed towards the bathroom, closing the door behind her before sinking to the floor to cry.


It was two days before Remy’s week was up. Jubilee and Kitty had headed back to the school after they’d made Marie a big breakfast and Marie had asked Jubilee to tell Logan that he should stop by soon. She’d packed all her things, and donated them to charity, leaving herself only the bare essentials. Lena’s things she’d put in boxes and put Logan’s address on them. Looking around the room she’d been sleeping in the past week, she carefully walked out, trying not to put too much weight on her leg. She pulled out her cell and dialled the number she never thought she would dial again.

“Yeah?” barked a gruff voice.

“Hey Cane?”

“Marie? That you girl?”

“Yeah. Long time hey?”

“Yeah, how’s the kid?”

“Good. Jamie was right, it was a girl.”

There was a chuckle on the other end and Marie couldn’t help but smile at the familiarity of the sound.

“Bet she’s beautiful, just like her mama.”

“Oh stop it you old charmer. Hey listen, you got any openings-“

“Oh babygirl, no... don’t do that. You just got out, don’t get sucked back in.” Sighed Cane.

Marie sucked her teeth and looked down at her leg wrapped in plaster and the to her arm in a sling. She’d put her sling on last night at the insistence of Kitty. She sat down on the couch heavily, eyes flickering over to Lena. The toddler was sitting the floor, scribbling on pieces of paper. Marie stuck her tongue out as Lena looked up, causing her to giggle and run away to hide.

“It’s all I’m good at Cane. I want to be the unattainable La Rogue again. An emotionless machine that goes through life dancing for men. I don’t want to trust anyone anymore.”

“You can come back on one condition.”


“You work as a barista, not a dancer. The club changed, Jamie and I did something after what happened to you. We’re a family here and we look out for each other. None of you girls was meant to get pregnant, and we’re so sorry that it messed up your life like that.”

“What about the girls? They liked dancing.”

“They still dance, but not like they used to. Now the bars like that Coyote film with those dancing girls.”

Marie smiled, knowing that she couldn’t dance but didn’t want to tell Cane that. They’d come to the issue once they saw each other again. She stood as she heard giggling from the kitchen, smiling in spite of her sad mood.

“Fine, I’ll come work at your dancing-but-no-dancing-dancing bar.” She said.

“See you then.”

She ended the call and tossed her phone on the couch and stalked towards the kitchen. she heard little giggles coming from one of the cupboards.

“Lena, ready or not, here I come!”


The day before Remy was meant to call to hear if she was leaving, was the day Logan was coming. As soon as she heard the knock on the door, her heart rate shot up and she suddenly felt faint. She walked like a zombie to the door, the door knob feeling cold and numb, just like her entire being. She turned it slowly and pulled it open. She leaned heavily on her crutch as she looked at him. He wore black jeans, tight across his muscled legs, a white t-shirt that showed every muscle of his brilliant chest and boots. His hair was mussed up, and he was unshaven. She felt dirty standing in front of him in a plain red dress. But dresses were the only items of clothing that wasn’t too painful to put on. She stepped aside and he walked in, looking around the place. As she closed the door, he turned back to face her and held up a carrier bag.

“Jubilee said you were running out of food. I brought sushi. It’s your favourite, right?”

“Thanks.” She whispered, leading him towards the kitchen.

He paused as they walked past the living room, looking at the sofa where Lena was curled up on. Lena had slept on the couch last night as Marie hadn’t been able to walk all the way to the bedroom. Her arm had finally given up, shooting with excruciating pain whenever she tried to use it. She had to accept that her right arm was broken and definitely need to heal.

“She wanted to sleep near me.” She explained.

“And where exactly did you sleep?”

Marie pointed to the recliner that was covered in blankets. Logan cursed and closed his eyes. Marie shrugged and continued to walk to the kitchen. She popped the sushi in the fridge, took out a beer, before walking back into the living room. Logan was looking at the boxes in the corner filled with Lena’s things.

“Here.” she said, holding out the beer.

He turned and took the beer from her. She sat down carefully on the recliner and sighed as she put her leg up. Logan stood over her and frowned.

“You haven’t been using the wheelchair, have you?”

“I needed to look after Lena. That requires me to move around quickly.”

“Marie... don’t do this to yourself.”

“What have you been up to?” she asked, ignoring his previous words.

Logan stared at her before sighing, taking a seat on the edge of the recliner.

“I resigned. My job was... boring. I’m making some changes in my life. I was thinking about going into architecture. That was what I studying at university. I’m planning to go to Paris for a few days. My parents are there on vacation, taking a break from the cold of Antarctica. I want to talk to them about a few things and maybe introduce them to Lena.”

“It’s a good thing we got Lena a passport then.” Whispered Marie.

“Have you ever thought about travelling?”

“I can’t... I... I have this fear, ever since my parents died on their way back from Singapore, I just feel absolutely terrified at the thought of flying.”

“Baby... I’m sorry to hear that...”

He leaned closer and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She shook her head and stood up, backing away from him, ignoring the pain shooting through her leg.

“I think you should take Lena and go.”

He sighed and stood up, looking at the boxes.

“Marie... this is all her stuff.”


“Does that mean you’re leaving ?”

“I can’t stay here.”

“So you lied?”


“You don’t love him more than me.”

Marie sighed and stepped further away.

“It doesn’t matter now.” she whispered.

“Why not?”

“I’m dead inside. I don’t have any more love to give.”


“Can I have one last favour?” she asked, rubbing her sore arm.


He walked up to her and ran a finger down a strand of blonde hair. She had asked Kitty to re-dye her hair so that she appealed to men once again. Where she was going, she needed to look as hot as she could.

“I preferred it when your hair was brown.” He whispered before taking her hand and looking into her eyes.

“Anything you want baby, just name it.”

“Hold me like you would hold her. Pretend that we’re engaged and that we fell in love the normal way. Pretend that I’m a beautiful model that you fell in love with and one day soon we’ll be married. Pretend that we’re going to have a lot of kids, live in a big house and be happy forever. Pretend I’m not the blackmailing bitch who ruined your life.”


“Don’t say anything. Just give me this.”

He nodded and pulled her into his arms. He walked them backwards and sat on the couch, pulling her into his lap. He moved her leg to rest across his lap and moved her arm more comfortably into the sling before burying his face in her hair. He whispered how much he loved her. How he wanted to be with her forever. How he was stupid to ever let her out of his sight. How she meant the world to him and that there was no-one else but her. That in his heart, it was always going to be her. She sat there crying into his shirt, wanting to believe him but she couldn’t make herself believe. She started to feel numb and soon she moved from his embrace. She walked over to Lena and kissed her cheek.

“I love you. Mommy loves you so much. Maybe one day, we’ll see each other again.” She whispered.

She placed another kiss on Lena’s cheek before standing up and moving towards her room.

“Goodbye.” She whispered, before closing the door, not being able to watch the two most important people in her life walk away for ever.


rating: pg-13, genre: angst, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, fic, genre: drama

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