Fic: The Truth

Dec 20, 2009 00:45

OK, here's the fic in all it's entirity:

Title: The Truth
Genre: Angst, Drama
Verse: Randomly post X1, but can also be considered Comic verse, or AU, it all really fits.
Rating: R for inuendo and mild swearing (I think that film indusrty should adopt my raing system)
Summary: Sometimes, even though you know it's for the best, you just can't let go.
A/N: This song was inspired one day when my muse Ariel, a magically enchanted wood nymph with sadistic tendencies for all sins and serious angst to torture my characters with, reminded me of the lyrics to the son'g 'The Truth' by Jason Aldean. She decided to fill my head with the possibilities and here we are. The ensuing second chapter and following third (still in the works) are brought on by pleads I have received on the WRFA and FFn.
Beta to  linsadair and meg1990 . Thanks girl!

This is a completed fic. Chapters 1 -3 here.
Three if you're already read 1 & 2: More Than A Runaway Memory: "Why are you still here?"

author: askita, genre: angst, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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