Fic: Solitary Thinkin' (Onsehot)

Jun 03, 2009 11:58

Title: Solitary Thinkin’

Pairing: Logan/Marie (Rogan)

Rating: PG

Verse: X1, AU

Genre: Angst, Action, Foof

Word Count: 1,303

Summary:  Marie needs a drink, and a little solitary thinkin’.

"The road looms out before her as she opens up the throttle beneath her hand. She’s left the mansion and everyone behind for the night, taking instead comfort in the open road."

This just bit me in the bottom this morning and took off all on it's own.

genre: foof, author: askita, genre: angst, universe: au, universe: x1 (x-men), rating: pg, genre: action, fic

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