I’ve got several responses about the use of tags in general. Seems like a lot of people don’t know what to do with them, so here’s a little explanation.
For Readers
Tags are extremely handy as a search option. Suppose you’re bored out of your skull on a Sunday afternoon and you’re in de mood for foofy fics. Suppose you’d like to read them in this community. All you have to do is select the [genre: foof] tag from the
tag list, and all
foofy fics with that particular tag will show up. Yay! Instant satisfaction!
For Writers
Considering the fact that most writers want their stories to be read, the best chance to accomplish that is by adding tags to the post. That way, your story will show up when readers select the particular tag. You will reach a wider audience and not just have that one moment of fame when your post appears on the member’s flist. That’s why I want all stories to have a ‘verse, genre, and rating. I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt - it'll give you a chance to be read more than just once.
For All Posting Members
You have to know, you cannot make your own tags in this community. It would be a huge mess with all kinds of tags all over the place. If you try to make something up yourself, the tags simply won’t show up. You have to use the existing tags from the
tag list. You can copy and paste them into your post, or you can add them after posting by using the tag link in your entry. (This doesn’t work now, obviously, as I have to approve your post first.) You can select more than just one tag by holding [CTRL], so you can add as much as you want. Make sure it will fit your post, though. Otherwise readers will feel cheated.
If you think that none of the existing tags will fit your post, use the [misc] one and contact me. I’ll either add something new, or I will keep it under [misc].
All in all: nifty, isn’t it? :)