A Game for Two. 2/2. PWP

Feb 14, 2006 21:46

And the smut just goes on. Is never too late for more of it, right?

Title: A Game for Two

Author: Valeria

Mail: valeriusjka@...

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Marie is confident of her own powers and herself, and she shows
Category: PWP

Disclaimer: I'm only toying with them. I'll put them back when I'm done.

Series: This is the sequel to Playing my Own Game.

Feedback: Showed you mine, now show me yours.
Archiving: Here and at loganandmarie.com

Continuity: After X2

AN: This is the second time I write a story and post it. Thank you
lord_gorthaur for the beta, may your comic collection grow without you
having to spend too much money on it. Thanks to dutchxfan for the love, the feed
back online and the help with editing. You are the L&M ambassador in EU.

AN II: I never thought that I would ever grow tired of thinking of a naked
Hugh or Wolverine, but damn it was close this time. Which means I wont be
doing smut until all this is forgotten, and another horny fic bunny attacks
me when I'm not watching.

A game for two

In retrospect there were no signs of what would happen. I never had any
expectations or hopes. Being the kind of man he is no one can predict his
next move. God knows I don't even try.


Late night is the best time of day to make a silent come back, no witnesses,
no drama, no questions or prodding telepaths.

All things considered he felt contented, the results of his mission had been
very satisfactory and now they were in a safe place just waiting for Xavier
and Scott Summers to have a look at it. His mind kept telling him he was in
great need of rest, cause his very useful and other wise trusty senses
didn't react as usual. Yeah, it was a question of exhaustion, that's all.

Cause how else could he, the Wolverine, explain that he had mistaken her for
someone else? Or rather, not recognized her at once? Though she had looked
different, it was also part of the way she moved and, well, she just looked
*transformed* in his eyes. Plus it had been her scent. So tempting. So
deliciously sweet. She smelled and moved like a woman, a mature woman.

When had young, sweet and innocent Marie developed into a woman?
Logan doubted his sanity, the little part of him that could be called
sane at any
rate. But damn if she hadn't moved around in that kitchen with a certain
satisfied bounce in her steps. And the way she had handled her food - it had
left him with so much naughty mental imagery.

It wasn't his fault that he had fallen asleep in the mansion's kitchen,
sitting in a hidden corner while zipping the only cold soda he had found in
the fridge. He had been awoken by the light of the open fridge and his eyes
had just registered the firm and curvy bottom of the female figure that was
bent over, searching for something edible. He didn't make a noise hoping
that the person would just take whatever she was looking for and leave, but
the woman just grabbed a container of Chinese food and placed herself on the
counter leaning back on her left arm. With her free hand she started to fish
up the noodles one by one, and let them dangle in the air over her lips,
then wrapping each and every one of those noodles around her tongue.

And now that same tongue was lingering in his thoughts night and day.

He had witnessed how she had consumed every last bit, taking her time to
lick her fingers clean and placing her other hand behind her as well.
Sighing contentedly, she turned her face, rested her chin on her shoulder
and said, "Hiya, Logan."

Her tone had been casual, but she had smiled at him softly.

The only words that came across his lips were, "Marie? Kid?"

Nodding, she'd responded, "Marie, yes."

She'd slowly moved down from the counter and took some steps in his
direction. Standing right before him, she'd ran the fingers of one hand
through his hair and then placed a soft kiss on the same place her fingers
had been. "Welcome back." And with that she'd walked out of the kitchen,
hips swinging, making his fingers itch.

Those were not the actions of the young girl he used to know. Hell, he was
confused and a bit shaken. But worse was that he felt he had two minds about
Marie and he didn't like that one bit.

Those who happened to see the Wolverine those days thought the man was
acting funny. They didn't know whether to stay and watch as a bystander
witnessing a car crash, or to take cover in a safe place. Scott Summers, the
Professor and Ororo Munroe seemed to be having some kind of private bet
going on the way they kept an eye on Logan. The man in question couldn't
find any aspect of the situation amusing, though. He didn't know whether to
follow his mind, or his instincts. It was the first time in a long time he
could remember being so conflicted.

Now Marie didn't seem to notice a thing. She was easy going, confident and
worked hard training with both Cyclops in the afternoons and with Professor
Xavier in the early mornings. She had her goals clear and was committed to
reach them on time. Lost in his own confusion, Logan did his best avoiding
Marie at all costs, and succeeded extremely well. It was only after a week
he became aware of the fact that Marie wasn't living at the mansion as she
used too. It puzzled him how he hadn't noticed her scent wasn't as present
in the building as it should be, and his second, most immediate reactions
were fear and anger. Fear for her security, and anger because obviously no
one had been thinking about her safety but him.

Enraged he set himself to find Marie and make her move back to the mansion.
With nostrils flaring, brow furrowed in concentration, Logan made his way
down the stairs sniffing after her scent.

All those who witnessed him striding away with his face set in a
concentrated expression knew at once that something exciting was about to
happen very soon. Ororo watched Logan going in the direction of the house by
the lake, and she smiled cause she'd soon be able to buy that pair of
expensive Italian boots.

"Marie, why the hell are you here?" Logan said in a deep and angry voice,
coming trough the door of her home by the lake.

Looking up behind her wrapped hands, she gave him a quick glance before
giving the punching bag another jab. Breathing through her nose, and
exhaling through her mouth she answered, "Isn't that what every philosopher
questions himself one time or another?"

Logan stood still, watching a boxing Marie hitting the bag in front of her
with force, making it swing with each punch. Her feet moving in time and
keeping her guard up, she had the moves down pat and she was fast. He let
his eyes follow her movements, observing she was wearing black pants that
stayed at her hips, her stomach pale soft and bare to the eye, and damn, she
was only wearing something that looked like a minimal top. Or maybe it was
what they called a sports bra from those expensive brands or whatever.

"Why'd you move?" he asked, trying to hold onto his anger.

"Well, you see, I'm not attached or glued to that building," she said
teasingly, but before he had time to get another word out, she continued,
"To tell the truth, I got to live here to have the necessary space to be on
my own and work on my gift. The Professor proposed it as a means of gaining
more peace and balance."

Thinking about the last piece of information Logan scowled.

"Has it helped?"

At this Marie stopped her work out and started to take the wraps off of her
hands. Keeping her gaze on what she was doing, she answered, "At first I
didn't know what to do with so much room for myself, but then I learned how
to just - expand, you could say." She gave him a quick smile. "The Professor
and I have this schedule of work: combining physical work out with Scott and
then the exercises with him."

He crossed his arms over his chest, making the t-shirt he was wearing strain
a bit over his chest and shoulders. "Sounds like they kept you busy."

"Yes, well, you have to spend some time researching before writing the
'Manual for the Surprised Mutant.'

There she was again trying to cover with a joke.

"Marie, how about you? How about--?"

"My skin, my feelings, thoughts about the whole process?" she interrupted
him with a faint smile, avoiding his questioning stare, "You know, no one
could guarantee it would give any results, and if it would, whether the
results were the ones I was hoping for."

She finally met his eyes letting the last of the wrap fall down to the
floor. Approaching him slowly, she continued, "Life is not fair, but I think
it's not about what you need. It's about what you ask for."

Logan had to raise his all questioning eyebrow at this. "And what is that?"

"People ask for what they think they deserve but forget putting value to
what they already have, or even seeing who they are. If you know yourself,
then you realize that it's all about finding what is not really missing. If
you can't see it, it doesn't always mean it's not there"

"Means you are blind," Logan filled in.

"Yes." Rogue nodded.

"And have you - opened your eyes?"


Without a warning she jumped, getting her arms around his neck and her legs
around his waist. Logan didn't move, kept arms at his sides and stared into
her eyes, mesmerized by the light in them.

"And you know what? It wasn't about a switch or a door. It was about
learning a little fact."

All he could do was just swallow and wait for the rest.

"It was about me learning to see *me*: Marie, Rogue, and everything beneath
my skin. About respecting it, embrace it and - loving it." She leaned her
forehead against Logan's before whispering, "It was about love."

"You are touching me. Your skin -" he trailed off, stunned by her
accomplishment, but his arms now hugged her to him. For the first time since
he got back he smiled with true delight.

She could only mirror that smile and with a certain glint in her eyes she
looked to the side, then down to the floor, and let an appreciative whistle
come out. "Not bad. I managed all the way up here on a single hop. Scott
would be impressed, reaching this high without my climbing gear."

Logan's grip on her loosened but he didn't tell her to let go; he seemed to
breathe in her scent while having some kind of inner struggle. Marie watched
him close his eyes, and his lips were a thin line before he spoke again.
"Marie, you know I'm glad for you but--"

"--but there is another tour of climbers scheduled to come up soon and you
need me to get back down on the floor, right?" she said, slowly sliding down
his body but leaving her arms locked around his neck. "I think I have the
right to hang about a bit longer, though, After all, I saw you first," she
joked. "I promise to be nice and don't throw stuff on the ground or feed the
bear. Or maybe - the bear *needs* feeding?"

Standing on her toes, she leaned in for a swift kiss, and then observed him
react. A small growl came from his lips but he wasn't telling her to stop.
Encouraged by this, she leaned in once more and let her mouth touch his,
letting the heat grow and waiting for his response. He let a sigh whisper
over her face before starting a kiss that left them both breathless.

Tingling lips and heart rate rising, Marie knew he had made up his mind.
Something had changed; now it was time to discover what it meant for the
both of them. Pressing her body closer to his, and putting her right leg on
the side of his, she made her way up his neck, kissing, biting and licking.
She had a goal and an idea of how to get there.

Logan's heart was hammering in his chest, his hands moving over her body,
tracing a route they'd longed to follow since that night in the mansion's
kitchen. A few questions had been lingering in his mind for a while now, and
he wanted to know what her skin would taste like. How the texture of her
stomach would feel under his hands. The area under her breasts, the curve of
her hip, the angle made by her neck and shoulder.

In a quick move he turned them both around, and now he had her pressed
against the wall with his body hot and heavy against hers. Marie let an
appreciative moan come out, the excitement turning the heat a notch higher.

"So sugar, do you mean business about us or are you just trying to make a
Rogue patterned wallpaper?"

Marie felt his hand travel along her body on its way up, and cup her head to
turn it so she'd meet his eyes. They were dark and hungry and something
else, but before she could figure out what it was their lips met again. Oh,
those lips where making her believe in whatever they preached about.

"No time for words now, darlin.' Let me show you." And with a devilish grin,
he added, "Let me know if you approve." He took both her wrists, raised them
above her head, and with a gesture he made her understand he wanted them to
remain there.

Marie had no intention of going anywhere or moving away from this man.
Certainly not when he was measuring, weighing, and leaving a trace of fire
on her every nerve. His actions and his touch were so distracting, she had
no idea her pants were off until she felt the coolness of the air caressing
the skin of her legs. And then she just knew she was about to loose her
mind. The same lips she already adored were turning her legs useless.

Logan lifted her knee and with a slow move, he bent it over his right
shoulder. He gently kissed her knee, and then he kissed, licked and nipped
along the tender, sensitive thigh. Any further thinking stopped when Logan's
mouth exhaled a hot breath over her pubic hair, making her squirm
involuntarily. That particular second stretched to a mini eternity, and it
was loaded with a delicious tension and anticipation. The familiar and
promising pulse was now beating in her sex, but it was better than she'd
ever experienced. Not only because this time it wasn't her own
accomplishment, but because it was caused by the man from a forbidden dream.
A forgotten longing was coming to life again.

Not once did shame, inhibitions or shyness come to mind. If they did, they
got burned to ashes straight away. This man was the owner of a very talented
tongue. Granted, he didn't do much talking with it, but who cared right now;
he was giving it a good use and she was singing its praise for every stroke.
Marie knew she didn't have the power to levitate, but the way every fibre in
her body was taut, just waiting to take off the ground in an explosion, made
her believe it was an actual possibility.

Logan was sampling her flavour, the sounds coming from her, and every signal
her body gave him. All of it was beyond any expectations he'd had. The woman
in front of him was pure passion, and his ego was getting not a little
inflated by her honest response. Just some more pressure in the right place

Marie's heart felt like it would burst through her ribcage, Heavenly relief
and blood like lava floating fast through her veins. Everything was beyond

"I'll say you are most - persuasive with your tongue," she managed to tell
him in panting breaths, leaning in against him when he rose from his
kneeling position. She'd be purring if she only knew how.

With one hand he held her to him while stroking her hair with the other.
Smirking he said, "So I heard, baby. So I heard."

There wasn't a little amount of teasing in his tone, and though she didn't
mind his confidence at all, it was now time to show him she, too, could play
that game.

So she found his waist and the edge of his shirt, her digits brushing over
the skin beneath the fabric. With the flat of her hands on his firm, hot
body, she caressed him over his stomach, his muscled chest, and over the
broad shoulders to finally take off his shirt. Satisfied with her view, she
smiled at him before covering his lips with a kiss that left him desperate
for anything more she would like to give him.

Determined, she let one of her fingers follow the shape of his collarbone
down to his torso, and pulled just a little at the hairs on his abdomen
before finally settling on the head of the Indian belt buckle. She had him
gasping, but she intended to have him making a lot more noise in a short
while. With nimble fingers she unbuckled his belt, and then hands went for
the buttons of his jeans. Sensually caressing another patch of skin with
each of her movements, she grabbed the waist of his jeans and shoved them
down his legs, her eyes eagerly following the trail down and cataloguing
every inch of him, from waist to toe. On her way back up she planted a
tender kiss on the head of his penis, surprising him with the gesture.

"Now, will you help me to get this bra off of me, sugar?"

It took Logan a few seconds before registering her request. Right now he
wasn't going to deny her anything she asked for. Not even if she asked for
the impossible. He would happily oblige just about anything if it would mean
this feeling would last a little bit longer. With enthusiasm he freed her
from the bra and proceeded to kiss her, telling her things he could've never
put into words.

Realising the man in front of her was going to give her tongue fetish for
sure; Marie got hold of his arms and guided him to the kitchen table. The
bed could wait - she couldn't when she had him this close.

In a few seconds they were by the sturdy table, and in even less time she
was sitting on it and pulling him between her legs. Smiling wickedly, she
leaned into his upper body and before he could say anything, she let her
tongue encircle one of his nipples. Then she closed her lips around it and
let her teeth bite the sensitive flesh, gently pulling him closer.

A rumble came from Logan; he had fixed his eyes on hers, a clear message
burning in them. Marie reclined slowly on the smooth surface of the table,
taking him with her and then once again she was able to tell him how much
she approved to feel his mouth on her breasts.

She also approved any other place he liked to use his tongue, but soon he
left her longing for much more. Her legs came around his hips, telling him
to get closer. Actually, as close as humanly possible, and with more
confidence than she thought she was capable of, she guided him inside her,
concentrating on the new sensation and trying to ignore the little
discomfort in the beginning.

It didn't feel awkward, though it was her first time. The experience of
being penetrated was both alien and electrifying. Following her instincts,
she locked her legs around his waist and moved along with him, meeting his
thrusts, and encouraging him to let go.
If she was to let herself go wild, she meant to have him along for the ride.

Logan could not resist her call. They moved as one, inhaling and exhaling on
time, and soon they were all about fulfilling the most primal of needs. By
the time they finally made it to her bed to fall into an exhausted sleep,
Marie was quietly giggling at where the table was standing now. The
Wolverine was good at many things, even at rearranging furniture.

The next morning Marie woke up by the need for letting some pressure off of
her bladder. She got out of bed and entered the bathroom. Her movements were
a little stiff after last night's activities, but oh boy, what a performance
it was.

She went back to bed after washing her face, and Logan was taking up almost
all space available. She stared at him for a little while and smiled at the
way his hair was pointing in all directions, his body relaxed in deep sleep.
Or so she thought.

"Admiring the view darling?"

"Mhmm," she murmured lazily, "Actually, more recognising my handy work."

With that she straddled him, supporting her chin on her arms and looking him
in the eyes. With a sweet, innocent smile she said, "It took you time to
realize, but you finally figured that you belong between my thighs."

Smirking, he replied, "I do, huh?"

"Oh yes. We match like that."

Logan leered at her, his eyes tracing the contours of her body.

As a playful response, she wiggled a little over him, but continued, "And
though we proved this is good, it's not some mushy love declaration or a
happily ever after. Then again, it's not some one night stand either. Not
for me."

"There are no one night stands for us, darlin," he agreed, and just to prove
the veracity of that last statement, he rolled them both over. The following
hours he made good use of his gifted tongue in several ways.


And that's how Logan and I begun this relationship. We work on our issues;
we fight, laugh and make up. After all, only fairy tales are 'ever after,
sugar sweet, pink happiness'.

We love each other and act on it, but if he ever decides to leave, it won't
kill me. He is the man I love; he's my bonus for being a good girl.

universe: x2 (x-men united), rating: nc-17, genre: pwp, author: valeria, fic

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