I figured I should update again and decided just to post the pages I check out daily. Not that they necessarily are updated every day, but I at least check it. A few of them I really should take off and a few I used to follow aren't here after switching hard drives and windows installs and such, but.
9th ElsewhereA doemain of our own.Alien DiceApplegeeks!A personal favorite,
CatharsisOne I need to take off. For awhile it was WoW in-game animations much like Red Vs. Blue, but not there now.
Ctrl+Alt+Del.DMFAEl goonish shive! Transformations galore!
Faux Pas comic.Another favorite.
GPF General Protection Fault.You guys.Home of Better Days.Yeah, I bet all ya'll know these guys already.
Kevin & KellMarilith. Updated semi-sporatically. About an assassin and her apprentice.
Misfile: Imagine you wake up one morning the opposite gender and one of the clique girls two years ahead of you is now your age. Add a slacker angel and the fact that no one even knows about the change and this is what ya get.
Pokemon XQuestionable Content The first contextual references to emo and indie I think I've ever heard.
Roomies by Flintoof.Another one ya'll should know already.
Sabrina Online.The class menagerie. The comic itself has ended, but is currently in a complete re-run of the series.
Ákaelae By the same artist who does Alien Dice. Dang she gets around.
Inverloch A pretty good one.
The Suburban Jungle is pretty good, too.
The Wotch. 'Ka-Girl'ings up the wazoo and tons of other fun transformations.
Twokinds A pretty cool comic that a friend in Australia turned me to.
VG Cats Often perverse, but I bet you knew that already.
WCotP Lotta stuff doesn't seem that funny out of context, though.
You Say it First Pretty cool one about two out of work theater rats who now have to work for life now that their former job is gone.
MegaTokyo! Nuff said.
Texas fur forum Link currently broken because the boards have been scrapped do to drama.
Boomer Express Interdimensional package deliveries, magic, and roos turning to dragons. With lotsa fun along the way.
NSFW Shayla the Pink Mouse. A black & white comic about a sexy pink mouse.
Accidental Centaurs.Langlang Don't like their current story arc and wish it would update more often, but it's a good strip.
Black Tapestires A nice comic about a woman cursed with immortality and werefoxism.
And that's the ones I check every day. Also whenever I think about it, I check out
Jack (often violent with some rather NSFW scenes) and
Vinci and Arty! A coony and an aquatic cheetah.
Damn this entry sucked! I did the html myself and made two typoes and, rather than flagging the lines in some way or another, semagic replaced them with strings of gibberish and I had to come in and edit them manually. That sucked because, for some reason, my browser search didn't want to work within the form box and so I had to manually find the trouble spots. Arrrrgh!!