windscreamsmary - if you can't love me, honey, go on just pretend.

May 20, 2006 08:24

I can honestly say that I wasn't in any way looking forward to seeing Dawn Summers again. Personally, I'm sure that I had indulged in her enough the first time. Between the warmer side I'd seen earlier and the true ice cold bitch routine, that I'm sure she could have practiced and gotten a little better at had she consulted her roommate, I'd had my fill on whoever this girl thought she was.

I toss my coat off and it lands onto the nearby couch. We're in my rent controlled apartment and only because we have to do this shitty scene which I'm now positive that Fiona has decided has to be at my suffering. Though, it may have something to do with her philosophy that all actors need to have a place for their pain and suffering to draw from. I'm pretty damn sure that I could draw from somewhere. I didn't need this.

"Make yourself comfortable," I stated, though that really - more than anything - meant that she could sit on the black leather couch and just not touch anything.

I could be a decent host. Getting out a Coke from my fridge, I waved one out in a wordless question asked to her. When she nodded, I got a second one for myself and headed back over to sigh in pre-exhaustion of this scene.

Reaching over to my bag which I had ended up dropping beside the couch too, I took out my copy of Barefoot in the Park. We'd already decided on a second. Strictly, the one where Paul and Corie fight over their marriage and decide in a huff that they're too different and divorce is necessary.

... now if I had a dollar for every time I had heard a story like that.

I pushed in the tab on the Coke and took a sip before flipping towards the specific page. We hadn't made much of small talk today.

"We're getting an A on this, okay?" I state, not as a question but merely as a statement because neither of us would settle for less.

Letting out a breath, I shut my eyes and began. "What a rotten thing to do, dragging your mother out like that into the middle of the harbor for a bowl of sheep dip," I said in utter disgust. It was our first run through, but I didn't mind going all out. You had to tap into these feelings from somewhere.
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