Bu hao. It's a bitch. Pronunciation is insane, and I've done opera so . . . At this point I'm relatively convinced that all of China and most of Taiwan knows exactly who I am and how to piss me off.
I knew it! I'm gettin' ma horse. (no pun intended)
The best part is - I think - I kinda sorta if you squint speak some Japanese, and the characters . . . aren't entirely the same. It's not even just a difference between simplified and traditional. I could blame it on the Japanese for changing the characters they stole or not changing them or whatever it is they did, but I'm Hungarian, so I'm blaming you.
Good god man, are you C3PO? How many languages do you speak?
I only speak three and two of those, not so well. The Hebrew was only because I wished her a Happy New Year and she laughed and told me how to say it.
How's Chinese treating you? Hao bu hao?
I'm tone deaf myself so I hear ya. At least the grammar is fairly similar to English (subject verb object) as opposed to Japanese or German.
The best part is - I think - I kinda sorta if you squint speak some Japanese, and the characters . . . aren't entirely the same. It's not even just a difference between simplified and traditional. I could blame it on the Japanese for changing the characters they stole or not changing them or whatever it is they did, but I'm Hungarian, so I'm blaming you.
You should get on line on the left. That's the line of women that blame me for ruining their lives.
No worries, it's long but it moves fast.
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