Me: Do we have any crazy glue?
Her: I think so, why?
Me: Sliced open my finger.
Her: Do you need stitches?!
Me: That's what the crazy glue's for.
My boss recently commented that, cause I don't watch or play any sports, I'm missing something in the manhood realm. Thought that was pretty funny. Cause I got my own lista of what a man should know/be able to do and sports's nowhere in it. Suppose we all do.
Here's mine in no particular order - a man has to be able to:
- Cook something.
- At least one thing very well without consulting a recipe. For me it's chili - it can be any type of food but you gotta know it well.
- Tell a story well
- Can pretty much assure you, it's the difference between a good night or a great night. Basic rule: if it adds nuthin to the story, leave it out. Eg, if you mention that he's wearing a white paisley belt, it'd better be crucial to the story. You have to be funny and engaging enough so that a girlie touches you on your shoulder or arm three times. BTW, if that happens, you must kiss her. Unless you're married or in lockdown, at which point you smile and politely leave.
- Throw a punch and take a punch
- I like the good old fashioned cross, but that's just me. You gotta know how to throw it, pull it back, and throw it again. As for taking it, try not to do it often. Ducking's a good secondary skill to possess. As a corollary, if you're defending your pride and have a mortgage, a wife, or a kid, walk away. If you're defending the cause of your mortgage, your wife, or your kid, keep moving forward.
- Do 50 push-ups
- If you can't, you're an old man. The thing is, most fellas don't have to be old men for a while.
- Know that what people think of him is none of his business
- Be loyal
- Know how to keep a secret
- This is important. If you're known as a guy that can be discreet, you will make more money and have more respect than the guy that can't. Plain and simple.
- Use the right tools for the job
- Traditional: Hammer, screwdriver, wrench (monkey, adjustable, and combo), etc.
- Modern: Google operators, Ping, POP/IMAP, etc.
- Quote something that actually means something to him
- Have some female friends and not try to bang them.
- Know that his parents did they best they could
- Or didn't, whatever, you're a man, let it go. They were probably kids when they had you and had no idea what they were doing.
- Extra credit if you realize you were no prize either.
- Know when to use F___ and when not to use it
- It's like salt, a little goes a long way and too mucha it ruins a lotta hard work.
- Give and take a compliment
- For the former: The occasional and honest Nice XXX with a quick nod works wonders.
- For the latter: Yeah? Thanks, is appropriate for just about everything.
- Control the fear
- It's always there. If you're not afraid, you're nuts, stupid, or grossly underestimating the gravity of a given situation. Unclench your fists, breathe in deeply through your nose, out through the mouth - imagine you're filling up your lungs from the bottom up, like a glass of water. Then think. Quickly.
- Stop bleeding
- Minor wounds - pressure, hydrogen peroxide, crazy glue or bandages with lotsa changes.
- Major wounds - pressure, call a professional, more pressure
- Also, studies have shown, saying positive things to a gravely injured person increases their chance of survival. No, don't have a quote, wish I did.
There're more things one should know how to do but aren't specific to men, maybe people in general. That's for some other time.
sweet woman and my two grown up sons YASYCTAI: You should probably add ducking to that list. (time/1 pt)