Something to me

Jun 04, 2009 00:14

Sorry I've not posted in a while, been hella busy. Moving from one part of my building to another. Thought it'd be easy but it's not cause one collects a great deal of - for lack of a better word - crap in 36 years. Everything has a story to it; some stories I wanna relive, some I'd rather forget.

Suppose that's hardly news to anyone.

See that pic above? Y'might have seen it before. Love that pic for reasons only I and another person might know. My pastor once said that you don't love a picture causea the paper it's printed on. Y'love a picture for what it represents.

And yeah, I try to donate or toss as mucha my stuff as I can. But I got some ratty things that I love, not cause they're worth something, but cause they're worth some thing to me. So when the guy moving in picks something up and says, Hey can you bring the garbage over so I can toss this? I reply, Oh, gimme that, I'll toss it.

And slip it into my back pocket to put it away later, safely behind all the other crap I love, not cause it's worth something, but cause it's worth some thing to me.

Last week, went to a genuine ball. Was a fundraiser event for Helen Keller International: $1,500 a plate, auctions going for $50,000. The full nine. Sat at a table of lawyers and next to a pretty blond. $1,500 dinners are wasted on people like me; always think, man, I coulda made that better. Probably not true but it's my head, I get to think what I wanna.

Had this cool British auctioneer that was going nuts; made me wanna bid for something. Couldn't though, one trip to Umbria cost like $50K.

Managed to get semi-floated in; felt I should contribute something and I did, in my own way.

On the way there and back, got caught in the rain. It's all just peaks and valleys, isn't it?

So, y'miss me?

YASYCTAI: If something happened and you hadta grab something, what'd it be? (20 mins/2 pts)
Music: been looking so long at these pictures of you


ball, usual twirl, nostalgia

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