Another thought on Journey's End

Aug 03, 2008 21:02

About nine... under the cut for spoilers

Ok, so I just watched Journey's End again on BBC Three and I have a thought on the final beach scene.

To put it bluntly, RTD basically craps all over Nine! The Doctor says that after regenerating, Rose makes him 'better'. I think that's a bit of a slap in the face of Nine. By saying that the new 10 needs made better by her makes me feel a bit pissed off.
I think Nine deserves more credit than that

Also another note, by the Doctor 'regenerating', and keeping the same form claiming 'why would I want to change', is what I think are RTD's words, not the Doctor's

BLEH, this probably doesn't make sense, but I don't think that Nine has been treated fairly in this episode.

OH first thought I liked the bad wolf bay i find it cringeworthy! and this is coming from a Rose fan.


nine, ten

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