Aug 07, 2007 01:17
uuuuh, can't go to sleep, just saw the best movie EVER! woah woah woah, getting ahead of myself. but definitely by the best diRECtor ever. i swear, when that car morphed into a was the closest i've come to feeling the way i did the first time i layed eyes on that charcoal Ferrari Marinello 575 in Bad Boys 2. i need a special laura moment...
so transformers, awesome movie. and megan fox makes me really not want to sleep in through pilates tomorrow. she's uhhh....she looks like she has a good sense of humor *motions to boobies*. ivonne, excellent idea on the rocking out around the house thing! i've been a bit bronchitis-y lately, but i'm powering through the fatigue and i've made a home alone soundtrack for rocking out in transformers underoos. it includes such classics as "I Feel Good", "Mission Impossible", and "99 Red Balloons", mixed with some cheesy songs from musicals. like hairspray. also an awesome movie, because it has my Zac in it. maaaan he's dreamy. so anyway, you guys should suggest some more of your favorite "dance like no one is watching" songs. i know you have some good ones up your sleeves. night friends!