dumb, dumber, DFB?

May 13, 2014 12:12

Really now?!
Before the training of the NT at Millerntor (stadium of St. Pauli) the DFB decided to " neutralize" the stadium of commercials and other banners, such as "Kein Fußball den Faschisten" - "no football for fascists". Which is a banner considered against right-wing extremism and racism.

And I think, we all know how serious St. Pauli is taking actions against racism, homophobia etc. It's one of the most liberal clubs at Germany.
But... because the DFB don't do politics, they covered up the part "den Faschisten". Now you can only see "No Football". How dumb is that?

With an action like this, they don't follow their own campaigns and statemens against racism, so I totally agree with the shitstorm the DFB is experiencing right now.
There's already a petition on change.org to never let the NT train at the Millerntor.

Here is a very good blog-article about the whole dumbness: http://blog.uebersteiger.de/2014/05/12/kein-millerntor-dem-dfb/

Edit: apparently, since 12:00h "Kein Fußball den Faschisten" can be seen again.

ur dead 2 me, was ist das?!, serious discussion, cannot unsee, opinions - everyone has one!

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